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"Lucy, I have just received a communication from Prince Wolfburgh. He is in Bozen." "Here!" Lucy started up, glancing around like a chased hare. Then she sat down again and waited. There was no other chapter, and the book was so blank! "His coming is very opportune," she said presently, gently. "Oh! do YOU think so, my dear? Really! Well, I always have liked the young man. So simple.

What harm did I do you ? After all, she did do me some harm; for there might have been a fine row if it had not been for Frau Doktor M., that angel in human form! She writes she is so lonely and so unhappy; she is with her mother at the Gratsch Hydropathic near Meran or Bozen, I forget which, I must look it up if I answer her.

Then I walked to Munich then I walked to Italy begging, begging everything. 'The Italians were very good to me they were good and honourable to me. From Bozen to Rome, almost every night I had a meal and a bed, perhaps of straw, with some peasant. I love the Italian people, with all my heart. 'Dunque, adesso maintenant I earn a thousand pounds in a year, or I earn two thousand

The colonel's report was productive of the choicest assortment of ejaculations that had been heard in camp since Natchez, the leader of the Vinegar Gulch Boys, joined the Church and commenced preaching. The good-natured Bozen was for drinking Grump's health at once, but the colonel demurred. So did Slim Sam.

Meran the Italians have changed its official name to Merano, just as they have changed Trent to Trento, and Bozen to Bolzano has always appealed to me as one of the most charming and restful little towns in Europe.

For it rained like Westmorland for five endless days, while I kicked my heels in an inn and turned a canto of Aristo into halting English couplets. By-and-by it cleared, and I headed westward towards Bozen, among the tangle of rocks where the Dwarf King had once his rose-garden.

We were not in the position of the man in the sledge, for, thank God, we had our arms and could beat off the wolves; but even in the extremest emergency, never would I accept a peace that deprived us of Bozen and Meran. My listener did not disagree with my argument, but could see no end to the war in that way.

She will bring her little intellect to bear on it as if it were a picnic for her Sunday-school class!" Jean stood silent a while. "Miss Vance," she said suddenly, "let me engineer this affair for a few days. I can help you." "What do you propose to do, Jean?" "To leave Bozen to-morrow. For Munich." "But the Wolfburghs have a palace or something in Munich. Is it quite delicate for us "

The colonel looked doubtful; several voices expressed dissent; Bozen, reviving his proposition to drink to Grump, found opinion about equally balanced, but conservative.

The imperial road to Italy goes from Munich across the Tyrol, through Innsbruck and Bozen to Verona, over the mountains. Here the great processions passed as the emperors went South, or came home again from rosy Italy to their own Germany. And how much has that old imperial vanity clung to the German soul? Did not the German kings inherit the empire of bygone Rome?