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He turned away for an instant that his fellows might not see the disappointment in his face. He had hoped to ride Boyar to victory. "Miss Louise could get more out of Boyar in a race than even Miguel here," said Billy Dime. "I dunno," said Williams. "She give me orders that Miguel was to ride Boyar if they was any racin'." So Louise herself had chosen Miguel to ride the pony.

"Snake!" screamed Overland Red, leaping backward and flinging up his arms, directly in the face of the deputy's pony. The horse reared. Overland, crouching, sprang under its belly, striking it as he went. Again the pony reared, nearly throwing the deputy. "Overland Limited!" shouted the tramp, dashing toward Boyar.

At the edge of the Old Meadow the girl dismounted, allowing Boyar to graze at will. She climbed to the low rounded rock, her erstwhile throne of dreams, where she sat with knees gathered to her in her clasped hands. The pony paused in his grazing to lift his head and look at her with gently wondering eyes.

The story is that upon arriving once at the domain of a boyar named Kutchko, he caused him for some offense to be put to death; then, as he looked out upon the river Moskwa from the height where now stands the Kremlin, so pleased was he with the outlook that he then and there planted the nucleus of a town.

Peter returned to the table with his wonted cheerfulness of countenance, giving no indication that he had heard anything unusual. "I should like your majesty to try that dish," said the boyar: "I fancy that you will find it very good." "Come sit here beside me," suggested Peter. It was the custom at that time in Moscow for the master of a house to wait on the table when he entertained guests.

Brand says I'm a fool to quit here now. Mebby I am. I like it here; the work and everything." Saunders, watching them, saw Collie give Louise a letter. He saw her tuck it in her waist and rein Boyar round toward the gate. As Collie came toward the corrals he noticed that Saunders had saddled the pinto Rally. He was a little surprised.

Under all the shows of diplomatic affection, there remains a thick rind of reserve or fear. Especially must that be so with men who spring from a fierce untamed stock. Despite the training of Laharpe, Alexander at times showed the passions and finesse of a Boyar.

When he left the bedroom at last, Ivan felt that, in spite of himself, he should get some sleep; for Nicholas had assured him solemnly that, when "The Boyar" should be finished, and the libretto, to be provided by Ostrovsky, properly polished, he would himself arrange for its production during the ensuing winter season.

Louise, drawing on her gauntlets, came down the broad steps of the ranch-house. The November air was crisp with the tang of early morning. She was puzzled at finding Boyar and Yuma together. She noticed Boyar had trailed his bridle across the yard an unusual thing for him to do, considering his training. Louise spoke to the Yuma colt, who sniffed at her gloved hand.

Why, Miguel here," said Williams, slapping the Mexican on the shoulder. "He don't weigh much, but he's some glue-on-a-sliver when it comes to racin' tricks. The other Mexicans are after our pesos this time. Last year we skinned 'em so bad with Boyar takin' first that some of 'em had to wait till dark to go home." Collie, listening, felt his heart pump faster.