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She laughed heartily, but Betty was determined not to let herself dwell on anything so trivial, and soon, by way of changing the subject, she was putting Nickey up to the idea of forming a boy-scout corps, which, as she added, could present the village with a thoroughly versatile organization, both useful and ornamental.

They had a boy friend, Marshall Frissell, in Brownsburg, Pennsylvania, on the other side of the river, and Marshall and Dominick had learned to wigwag signals, in boy-scout fashion, back and forth across the Delaware. It seems that, on this memorable night, the brother and sister discovered a great force of Germans building pontoons about a mile below the wrecked Lambertville bridge.

"Where you're staying?" I gulped, and laid the whip over the mare's shoulders. "No," I said doggedly, "it's not." She laid two firm little hands on my left and pulled the mare up. "Anything the matter?" said I. "Say 'good-bye' like a good boy-scout and thank the kind lady for giving you a lift, and then run along home," she said sweetly. "What are we stopping for?" I said.

"By George!" I said. "What is it?" "I've just found a bit of a match with the head on." "Oh, boy-scout, and you've had it all the time." "Yes, but it wouldn't be enough to light the lamps with." "Oh!" "Not the lamps." "What would it be enough for?" "A face, Circe." "Good-bye." "Stop, Circe. Two faces." "How?" "Well, I'll strike it on the tire, and then hold it between us. "All right."

She used to be Lady Shalem you know, before her husband got the earldom to be more correct, before she got it for him. I suppose she is all agog to see the great review." It was in fact precisely the absorbing topic of the forthcoming Boy-Scout march-past that was engaging the Countess of Bailquist's earnest attention at the moment.

"If it's one of your usual ones, we don't want it," said Daphne. "Thank you, dear. We are undoubtedly lost. No, that is not my idea. But, as a would-have-been boy-scout, I recognize in this spot a natural camping-place. That water is close at hand, we know from Scout Berry. Jonah can take the first watch, Berry the second, Jonah the third, and and so on.

"You can't get a good view from here to-day. It's too hazy." "Go on." "But, Circe " "Be quick. I'm awfully cold." "Won't you come in and get warm before you go on, or borrow another rug, or " "No, thanks awfully, I must get home." "Mayn't I see you there? I can easily walk back." "No, thanks awfully, boy-scout." "You mean it?" "I do." "I gave her the reins and got heavily out of the dog-cart.

"I'll show you," said the commissioner. He went to the telephone, gave a number, and while he was waiting for the call to be put through he asked: "What is the name of your boy-scout parson?" "The Reverend Vincent Lock," replied Mr. Minute. "I suppose you don't know the name of your glass peddler?" Minute shook his head. "They call him 'Waxy' in the village," he said.

I never saw such white sand before. One had to misquote: "Come unto these SILVER sands." I made some careful drawings of the sand-tracks of the bay; noting down tracks being a habit with the scout. In these things Hawk was always interested, and often a great help; for, in spite of his fifty years and his buccaneerish-habits, he was at heart a boy a boy-scout, in fact, and a fine tracker.

Just as I was about to raise my eyes: "Thank you," she said, very softly, and blew it out. I laid my hands on her shoulders. "I won't say 'damn," I said. "I'll say 'good-bye' instead, like like a good boy-scout." "Say it then." I said it. "Oh, but that isn't " "Yes," I said. "It's a new rule." When the clatter of the mare's hoofs had died away in the distance, I walked slowly up to the farm.