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"Ah, Boxa!" said the old lady, fondly caressing the head of the animal, "I don't know what you'll say to me I have actually given away one of your pups: at all events, I have promised it, which is the same thing." At that moment Master George popped his merry face in at the open window, and greeted Mrs. Ward with a shout of joyous laughter.

It was at the peril of his life he took that desperate leap. His favourite dog, Boxa, saw and instantly followed his master. The two rose in a moment, and were borne by the swell toward the boat. They had nearly reached it when it capsized. Moir that was the name of the gallant man seized one of the seamen, and, wonderful to tell, succeeded in bringing him safe to shore.

Some of them are perfect wonders. They have more sense, really, it seems, than many so-called Christians, and I have sometimes thought they must reason. "'Boxa is a fair specimen of the race, and I could tell you some of his doings which would make you ask Is it possible?

"I need not, I am sure, by way of conclusion, sing the praises of Boxa herself, for you know as well as I can tell you her many good qualities; and therefore I have only further to say that I hope Newfy as you have named him will turn out all that could be wished." "Thank you, thank you, dear grandmamma," said George, who had listened with such fixed attention to the last part of Mrs.

"'When Boxa saw what he was up to, he quietly made his way to land with his own turn, and then went in search of the runaway, and gave him a sound thrashing; in short, his arguments were so unanswerable and convincing that the culprit returned to his work, and without more ado, set to and persevered at it, till every spar that had been thrown overboard was rafted to shore by the combined labour of the two dogs.

Imagine how glad he must have been when he found himself on terra firma! His first act was to give thanks to God, and then he threw his arms around Boxa, caressing him again and again, and loading him with fond epithets, part in English, part in Swedish. He was a young Swede, a fine, handsome youth, about twenty years of age.

You'll not wonder after that to hear that we would one and all of us share our last crust with Boxa. "'I do not, indeed, my good friend, said your grandfather; 'and I must say I should be heartily glad to possess a dog of the breed having the same admirable qualities; for I have just lost my good old terrier, a tried and faithful animal, which I brought with me from England.

The little party was soon comfortably seated at the social meal, when Master George's health was pledged in the cup "that cheers but not inebriates;" and he regaled himself on choice plum-cake made by the dear old lady herself for that special occasion, taking care, every now and then, to break off a bit and throw it to Boxa, who sat by his side, wagging her tail, in evident expectation of tit-bits.

In the meantime, Boxa, following his master's example, caught hold of another of the poor drowning creatures, and began to drag him along. It proved, however, that the dog's hold had fastened upon the seaman's south-wester cap, which came off in the water.

This pup was no other than the mother of Boxa, and an excellent animal she proved to be faithful, sagacious, and patient; in short, a worthy scion of such a stock.