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BERTHA. I beseech thee, say, on what dreadful project does my father brood? BOURGOGNINO. Didst thou understand thy father? BERTHA. He bade us fly. Merciful Heaven! Fly on our bridal day! BOURGOGNINO. He spoke it, and we must obey. FIESCO. Welcome, Verrina! I was anxious to meet thee. VERRINA. I also sought Fiesco. FIESCO. Does Verrina perceive no alteration in his friend? I wish for none.

BOURGOGNINO. Sebastian Lascaro was a brave soldier. ZENTURIONE. He defended himself like a bear till he fell. What do I hear? Stop! BOURGOGNINO. Who goes there with torches? Prince, they are enemies. Turn to the left. Who goes there with the torches? ZENTURIONE. Stand! Your watchword? Loyalty and Doria! Violator of the republic and of my bride! Murder! Murder! Murder! Revenge me, Lomellino Help!

Was Andreas the object of thy hatred, and not the tyrant? Stay! I arrest thee as a traitor to thy country. CONSPIRATORS. Bind him! throw him down! Gently! Who will be the first to throw the cord around the tiger? See, Genoese, I stand here at liberty, and might force my way with ease, had I the will but I will stay I have other thoughts BOURGOGNINO. Are they thoughts of duty?

If they feel thy wrongs they will expiate them with blood. Be not astonished, friends! He who tramples upon Genoa may easily overcome a helpless female. Gianettino Doria! Cover me, walls, beneath your ruins! My Scipio! BOURGOGNINO the former. Rejoice, my love! I bring good tidings. Noble Verrina, my heaven now depends upon a word from you.

Go! confide in God and Bourgognino. The same day shall give freedom to Bertha and to Genoa. The former without BERTHA. CALCAGNO. Genoese, before we take another step, one word VERRINA. I guess what you would say. CALCAGNO. Will four patriots alone be sufficient to destroy this mighty hydra? Shall we not stir up the people to rebellion, or draw the nobles in to join our party?

LOMELLINO. Have a care! Have a care! That black stone will yet prove fatal to you. GIANETTINO. Scipio Bourgognino. LOMELLINO. He may celebrate elsewhere his wedding GIANETTINO. Ay, where I shall be director of the nuptials. Raphael Sacco. LOMELLINO. I should intercede for his life until he shall have paid my five thousand crowns. GIANETTINO. Vincent Calcagno. LOMELLINO. Calcagno.

Let us watch o'er both. BOURGOGNINO. Let us, before we part, consecrate our heroic union by an embrace! VERRINA. When shall we next assemble? FIESCO. At noon to-morrow I'll hear your sentiments. VERRINA. 'Tis well at noon to-morrow. Goodnight, Fiesco! Come, Bourgognino, you will hear something marvellous. Depart by the back gates, that Doria's spies may not suspect us. SCENE XIX. FIESCO, alone.

For fourscore years it hung upon my temples, and now has left my bald head, chilled with the winter of age. The lock is weak, but 'twill suffice to fasten the purple on that young usurper. VERRINA. What mean these shouts? BOURGOGNINO. They proclaim Fiesco duke. Scipio! My father's looks are dreadful VERRINA. Leave me, my children. O Genoa! Genoa!

Leave this horrid dungeon and follow me to the altar. BERTHA. To the altar, Bourgognino? Now, at this midnight hour? While this awful tumult is raging as though the whole globe were crushing to atoms!

By my sword! I know that voice. By my heart! I am well known here. BOURGOGNINO. Bertha! A subterranean vault, lighted by a single lamp. The background remains quite dark. BERTHA is discovered sitting on a stone in the foreground; a black veil covers her face. After a pause she rises and walks to and fro. BERTHA. Still no sound? No sign of human footstep? No approach of my deliverers.