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Yet although by this means the armies might be kept full, the new men were very inferior to those who had responded voluntarily to the earlier calls. Every knave in the country adopted the lucrative and tolerably safe occupation of "bounty-jumping," and every worthless loafer was sent to the front, whence he escaped at the first opportunity to sell himself anew and to be counted again.

Substitute brokers provided the wrong article; ingenious rascals invented the trade of "bounty-jumping," and would enlist for a bounty, desert, enlist for another bounty, and so on indefinitely; and the number of men enrolled who were afterwards unaccounted for was large.

Desire for field service Changes in the Army of the Potomac Judgment of McClellan at that time Our defective knowledge Changes in West Virginia Errors in new organization Embarrassments resulting Visit to General Schenck New orders from Washington Sent to Ohio to administer the draft Burnside at head of the department District of Ohio Headquarters at Cincinnati Cordial relations of Governor Tod with the military authorities System of enrolment and draft Administration by Colonel Fry Decay of the veteran regiments Bounty-jumping Effects on political parties Soldiers voting Burnside's military plans East Tennessee Rosecrans aiming at Chattanooga Burnside's business habits His frankness Stories about him His personal characteristics Cincinnati as a border city Rebel sympathizers Order No. 38 Challenged by Vallandigham The order not a new departure Lincoln's proclamation General Wright's circular.

Administrative duties Major McLean adjutant-general His loyalty questioned Ordered away Succeeded by Captain Anderson Robert Anderson's family Vallandigham canvass Bounty-jumping Action of U. S. Courts of the local Probate Court Efforts to provoke collision Interview with the sheriff Letter to Governor Tod Shooting soldiers in Dayton The October election Great majority against Vallandigham The soldier vote Wish for field service Kinglake's Crimean War Its lessons Confederate plots in Canada Attempt on military prison at Johnson's Island Assembling militia there Fortifying Sandusky Bay Inspection of the prison Condition and treatment of the prisoners.

Our "N'Yaarkers," swift to see any opportunity for dishonest gain, had taken to bounty-jumping, or, as they termed it, "leppin' the bounty," for a livelihood. Those who were thrust in upon us had followed this until it had become dangerous, and then deserted to the Rebels.

Our "N'Yaarkers," swift to see any opportunity for dishonest gain, had taken to bounty-jumping, or, as they termed it, "leppin' the bounty," for a livelihood. Those who were thrust in upon us had followed this until it had become dangerous, and then deserted to the Rebels.

The offer of extra bounties to induce volunteering brought into existence "bounty-jumping," a new crime analogous to that of "repeating" at elections. A man would enlist and receive the bounty, frequently several hundred dollars, but varying somewhat in different places and periods. He would take an early opportunity to desert, as he had intended to do from the first.

A third of the Northern people belonged to the peace party and furnished no recruits at all till after conscription came in. The late introduction of conscription, the abominable substitution clause, and the prevalence of bounty-jumping combined to reduce both the quantity and quality of the recruits obtained by money or compulsion.