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So well had these movements been concerted, and so rapidly were they performed, that the skilful and energetic Boufflers had but just time to throw himself into the fortress. He was accompanied by seven regiments of dragoons, by a strong body of gunners, sappers and miners, and by an officer named Megrigny, who was esteemed the best engineer in the French service with the exception of Vauban.

He overtook us before we reached the Temple Gate, and brushing in between me and Mme. de Boufflers, seized her hand and conducted her to her coach. His dress was a rusty brown morning suit, a pair of old shoes by way of slippers, a little shrivelled wig sticking on the top of his head, and the sleeves of his shirt and the knees of his breeches hanging loose.

On the sixteenth day of October, the king receiving intelligence that Boufflers had invested Charleroy, and Luxembourg taken post in the neighbourhood of Condé, ordered the troops to be instantly reassembled between the village of Ixells and Halle, with design to raise the siege, and repaired to Brussels, where he held a council of war, in which the proper measures were concerted.

The surprise at this was very great. The Duc de la Force and the Marechal de Boufflers, who ought to have served, were both present. I wrote to this last to say that such a thing had never happened before, and that it was contrary to all precedent. I wrote, too, to M. d'Orleans, who was then in Spain, informing him of the circumstance. When he returned he complained to the King.

In the beginning of May, Genoa was invested on all sides; a furious sally was made by the duke de Boufflers, who drove the besiegers from their posts; but the Austrians rallying, he was repulsed in his turn, with the loss of seven hundred men.

Tournai was the first place towards which the enemies directed their arms. After a short resistance it fell into their hands. Villars, as I have said, was coriander in Flanders. Boufflers feeling that, in the position of affairs, such a post must weigh very heavily upon one man, and that in case of his death there was no one to take his place, offered to go to assist him.

I went to them on Sunday evening, but found them gone to Lord Fitzwilliam's, the next house to Madame de Boufflers', to hear his organ; whither I followed them, and returned with them. The Comtesse Emilie played on her harp; then we all united at loto.

Under these circumstances it was found impossible to persevere in trying to save Mons. Nothing but subsistence could be thought of. The Court had now become so accustomed to defeats that a battle lost as was Malplaquet seemed half a victory. Boufflers sent a courier to the King with an account of the event, and spoke so favourably of Villars, that all the blame of the defeat fell upon himself.

But our position had been badly chosen, and, in spite of every effort, we were unable to maintain it. Villars, in the early part of the action, received a wound which incapacitated him from duty. All the burden of command fell upon Boufflers.

Effect of Mary's Death on the Continent Death of Luxemburg Distress of William Parliamentary Proceedings; Emancipation of the Press Death of Halifax Parliamentary Inquiries into the Corruption of the Public Offices Vote of Censure on the Speaker Foley elected Speaker; Inquiry into the Accounts of the East India Company Suspicious Dealings of Seymour Bill against Sir Thomas Cook Inquiry by a joint Committee of Lords and Commons Impeachment of Leeds Disgrace of Leeds Lords Justices appointed; Reconciliation between William and the Princess Anne Jacobite Plots against William's Person Charnock; Porter Goodman; Parkyns Fenwick Session of the Scottish Parliament; Inquiry into the Slaughter of Glencoe War in the Netherlands; Marshal Villeroy The Duke of Maine Jacobite Plots against the Government during William's Absence Siege of Namur Surrender of the Town of Namur Surrender of the Castle of Namur Arrest of Boufflers Effect of the Emancipation of the English Press Return of William to England; Dissolution of the Parliament William makes a Progress through the Country The Elections Alarming State of the Currency Meeting of the Parliament; Loyalty of the House of Commons Controversy touching the Currency Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Currency Passing of the Act regulating Trials in Cases of High Treason Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Grant of Crown Lands in Wales to Portland Two Jacobite Plots formed Berwick's Plot; the Assassination Plot; Sir George Barclay Failure of Berwick's Plot Detection of the Assassination Plot Parliamentary Proceedings touching the Assassination Plot State of Public Feeling Trial of Charnock, King and Keyes Execution of Charnock, King and Keyes Trial of Friend Trial of Parkyns Execution of Friend and Parkyns Trials of Rookwood, Cranburne and Lowick The Association Bill for the Regulation of Elections Act establishing a Land Bank