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"You go way!" she cried fiercely. "You're drunk, that's what you are!" "So's he," suggested Dean, staying the motion of his finger and pointing it at Gordon. Peter Himmel ambled up, owlish now and oratorically inclined. "Here now," he began as if called upon to deal with some petty dispute between children. "Wha's all trouble?" "You take your friend away," said Jewel tartly. "He's bothering us."

She turned to Jerry, as the order was obeyed. "Has he been bothering you, Jerry?" Jerry Mitchell wiped his forehead. "Say, if that kid don't quit butting in when I'm working in the gym You heard what he was saying about Maggie, Miss Ann?" Celestine had been born Maggie O'Toole, a name which Mrs. Pett stoutly refused to countenance in any maid of hers.

The knacker of Döbeln, whose business was concluded, and who did not wish to delay any longer, tied the horses to a lamppost, since the crowd was beginning to scatter, and there they remained the whole day through without any one's bothering about them, an object of mockery for the street-arabs and loafers.

Some of my mad friends might worm it out of you, and I don't want them coming down and bothering me. I am going to be very busy with literature. I'll walk the rest of the way." Edwards saluted with a grin he worshipped the original young heiress and returned to his wheel. "There's one thing I want you to do for me," said Titania. "Call up my father and tell him I'm on the job."

Haines' dreams, that Bessie's mother had been a most fussy and bothering lady, though I was told by the housekeeper, who knew her well, that she was the mildest and most timid of little wives while living.

We saw the base Police talking to the person who answered it. Then he came towards us, very red in the face. "Leave off bothering the lady," he said, "and come along of me. Sir James is in his library, and he's ready to do justice on you, so he is." Mrs. Red House jumped up, and so did we. She said with smiles, as if nothing was wrong "Good morning, Inspector!"

And we did it without magic, all in a year; which is quite as good as a magical trick in a night. He drew her close to him. 'When was it my dear girl guessed me at work? 'It was the other dear girl. Nesta is the guesser. 'You were two best of souls to keep from bothering me; and I might have had to fib; and we neither of us like that. He noticed a sidling of her look.

Grandmother's always bothering about my being sick, and afraid of this and afraid of that; so I'll just be sick so sick that nothing but a viyage'll cure me! As for Aunt Prue, 'taint no use trying to impose on her. I guess I'll have to be real hateful and troublesome to Aunt Prue.

"That's more than I know. Things were hot enough for me without bothering about the rest. I never saw any of them again, except Rale. He was killed in the fight. About an hour after that I shot the buck who was guarding me, and got away on his horse." "What Indians were they?" "Sacs mostly; some Foxes, and maybe a Winnebago or two." "Was Black Hawk with them?"

When she had finished dressing, as she stood before the mirror to take a final survey, she addressed a parting remark to the figure in the glass: "It won't do you any good to go on bothering this way. You haven't anything to do now but go down to dinner and be as charming as possible, particularly to Mr. McNally, whom you cordially detest.