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At Plymouth Smith partook of a little refreshment, and then went round to the side from which the train started for Camelton, the new station near Castle Boterel and Endelstow. Knight was already there. Stephen walked up and stood beside him without speaking. Two men at this moment crept out from among the wheels of the waiting train. 'The carriage is light enough, said one in a grim tone.

'The Puffin, a little summer steamboat from Bristol to Castle Boterel, she said. 'I think that is it look. Will you give me the glass? Knight pulled open the old-fashioned but powerful telescope, and handed it to Elfride, who had looked on with heavy eyes. 'I can't keep it up now, she said. 'Rest it on my shoulder. 'It is too high. 'Under my arm. 'Too low.

This time he would go right on to Castle Boterel; ramble in that well-known neighbourhood during the evening and next morning, making inquiries; and return to Plymouth to meet them as arranged a contrivance which would leave their cherished project undisturbed, relieving his own impatience also. At Chippenham there was a little waiting, and some loosening and attaching of carriages.

'A telegram for Miss Swancourt, and three and sixpence to pay for the special messenger. Miss Swancourt sent out the money, signed the paper, and opened her letter with a trembling hand. She read: 'Johnson, Liverpool, to Miss Swancourt, Endelstow, near Castle Boterel. 'Amaryllis telegraphed off Holyhead, four o'clock.

'We brought the cart, maning to go right on to Castle Boterel afore ye landed, said his father. "Put in the horse," says Martin. "Ay," says I, "so we will;" and did it straightway. Now, maybe, Martin had better go on wi' the cart for the things, and you and I walk home-along. 'And I shall be back a'most as soon as you.

'The spot is a very remote one: we have no railway within fourteen miles; and the nearest place for putting up at called a town, though merely a large village is Castle Boterel, two miles further on; so that it would be most convenient for you to stay at the vicarage which I am glad to place at your disposal instead of pushing on to the hotel at Castle Boterel, and coming back again in the morning.

Stephen sat all the afternoon pondering upon the reason of Knight's unexpected reappearance. Was he going as far as Castle Boterel? If so, he could only have one object in view a visit to Elfride. And what an idea it seemed!

She will say things worthy of a French epigrammatist, and act like a robin in a greenhouse. But I think we will send for Dr. Granson there can be no harm. A man was straightway despatched on horseback to Castle Boterel, and the gentleman known as Dr. Granson came in the course of the afternoon.

The next day two men walked up the familiar valley from Castle Boterel to East Endelstow Church. And when the funeral was over, and every one had left the lawn-like churchyard, the pair went softly down the steps of the Luxellian vault, and under the low-groined arches they had beheld once before, lit up then as now.

'Yes; but since we shall have to call a surgeon from Castle Boterel, I think it would be better to carry her in that direction, instead of away from the town. 'And is it not much further to the first house we come to going that way, than to the vicarage or to The Crags? 'Not much, the stranger replied. 'Suppose we take her there, then.