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The Rainbow was a good mile away from where she had been stationed since reaching Treasure Isle. "Can it be possible Carey and Bossermann are running away with the vessel?" asked Sam. "That would be both mutiny and robbery," answered the captain. "I gave orders to Carey to leave her where she was, unless a heavy blow threatened to send her in then he was to stand off until the blow was over."

"Oh, I'll stick by you," was the ready answer. "I've got no use for such scoundrels as Carey and Bossermann. I'm only livin' one life, and I'll live that honest like, God helpin' me." Night was coming on when they got the treasure to the surface of the ground. They hunted around diligently until they were almost certain they had everything of value.

Soon a small boat was over the side and this was manned by the mate, Bossermann, Wingate and a sailor named Ulligan, a fellow noted for his laziness and untrustworthiness. Without delay the small boat set out for the Josephine. "I don't like this at all," said Fred. "Those fellows mean mischief as sure as you are born!" "I dink da vos hatch owid somedings mid dot Merrick," said Hans.

It was a cloudy night, so they had to run with care and at reduced speed. They kept a constant lookout for the other vessel, but failed to sight her. "Carey and Bossermann, as well as Ulligan, will have to remain on board of her," said Captain Barforth. "Mr. Rover wants to get back to Philadelphia as soon as possible with the treasure, and she is under his charter.

If it was true that Carey, Bossermann and Wingate contemplated joining Sid Merrick there was no telling what the enemy might not accomplish next. "I have never liked Carey," observed Captain Barforth. "But I did not imagine he would take matters in his own hands in this fashion. I did not think he had the backbone." "It's the thought of the treasure has done it," answered Anderson Rover.

"Yes, and as many more on the steam yacht as Carey can win over. I believe Carey is a rascal and Bossermann is no better." "Yes, but they are only two against over a dozen?" said Captain Barforth. "No, three, for you must remember they have Wingate with them," put in Tom. "That is true." "Can't we get to the yacht somehow?" asked Sam.

The deck hand was not handcuffed as he had been a short while before, when tramping the forward deck for air, by Captain Barforth's permission. "Carey must haf daken dem handguffs off," said the German youth. "I ton't like dot. Maype dot Vingate make troubles, hey?" The boys watched, and presently saw Bossermann come up and join the pair. Then Bossermann went below to the engine room.

"Do you know what I think?" came from Dick. "I think he is going to sail around to the other side of the isle. Probably he has an idea of consulting with Sid Merrick. Then, if Merrick's offer suits him, he will do all he can to prevent us from getting the treasure." "You mean he and Bossermann will throw in their fortunes with Merrick?" asked Mr. Rover.

"Broke down an' drifting out on the ocean," answered the old tar, and then he continued: "You know how they tried to board us after Carey, Bossermann, that skunk o' a Wingate, an' Ulligan went to 'em. Well, fust we kept 'em off with fireworks and with a shotgun. We didn't have much steam up, but Frank Norton bless his heart worked like a beaver, and the boys, Fred and Hans, helped him.

Carey said there was, and he is taking a cruise around to test them so he says." "I don't understand it, Garrison. Everything 0.K." "Are you in charge now?" "No, this is my hour off. Bossermann is in charge. By the way, I see Powell went off after the others." "Yes, and I wish the others were back," answered Fred. He hesitated a moment. "Mr.