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"I'll git de ice fer you on my way back," Jimpson whispered reassuringly. "I spec' dat chile is in a hurry." The young lady in question gave no appearance of haste as she perched herself on the arm of her father's chair, and presented a boot-lace for him to tie. "Going fishing, Dad?" she asked. "Yes," said the Colonel, struggling to make a two-loop bow-knot.

If you ask me how this was effected, I answer: In the easiest way in the world. She had only to destroy gravitation. And the princess was a philosopher, and knew all the ins and outs of the laws of gravitation as well as the ins and outs of her boot-lace.

The moon was now a silver ball on the edge of the circle of grey blue above the ring of firs, and by the light falling on the strange little person, as she stood out of the shadow to muffle up her harp, it could be seen that she was simply clad, and that her bonnet was not of the newest fashion. The sisters remarked a boot-lace hanging loose.

She recollected with some relief that the door was locked at any rate, and the curtains down. But, for all that, as she realized what she had been thinking about, and how very far her papa or Sophie would be from laughing if they were told about it, she felt her cheeks tingle, and could not be busy enough with that boot-lace! There! that was off; now for the other. What a queer man he was, though!

Peter said he'd go with 'im, and just as they got to the door Mr. Goodman said he'd go too. O' course, the shops was shut, and arter Mr. Goodman 'ad stood on Tower Hill admiring the Tower by moonlight till Sam felt ready to drop, they all walked back. Three times Sam's boot-lace come undone, but as the ethers all stopped too to see 'im do it up it didn't do 'im much good.

Yet he is still employed sometimes to turn out a guard, or to swear that "the Service is going," &c.; and though he has lost his nerve for riding, he has still a good seat on a boot-lace committee. He is a very methodical old man. An old horse is led behind him. Now the serious business of life again begins to get through the day.

And then it was discovered how their common observation had fastened on the boot-lace; and this vagrant article became the key to certain speculations on her condition and character. "I wish I'd had a dozen bouquets, that's all!" cried Wilfrid, "she deserved them." "Has she sentiment for what she sings? or is it only faculty?" Cornelia put it to Mr. Sumner.

His scraggy throat was adorned with a black neckerchief like a boot-lace. "Abe," said Mr. Curtin, "I would like to make you known to my friend Mr. Stanton of Ohio." The queer face broke into a pleasant smile, and the long man held out his hand. "Glad to know you, Mr. Stanton," he said, and then seemed to be stricken with shyness.

And having packed all these things, she put on her bonnet, took off her apron, tied a new boot-lace round her umbrella, and after listening for a long time at door and window, opened the door and sallied out into a perilous world. The umbrella was under her arm and she clutched the bundle with two gnarled and resolute hands.

You know he used to be a great man with Will Foster's old set; and, would you believe it, I saw him yesterday evening, when it was getting dark, standing near Foster's house talking with him. They didn't see me, for I was in the shadow; I'd just stooped down to fasten my boot-lace as they came up together.