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Young Spanish girls sent East to school were accompanied by such a retinue of defenders, slaves and servants, as might have attended a European monarch; and a whole bookful of stories could be written of adventures among the young Spanish nobility going out to see the world. The stage fare varied from $160 to $250 far as the Mississippi.

"We'll get to Venus faster than the Venus Lark, and save money besides." "O.K.," said Roger. "I guess I can take him for a little while." Strong suppressed a smile. Roger's reluctance to go with Connel was well founded. Any cadet within hailing distance of the hard-bitten spaceman was likely to wind up with a bookful of demerits. "Are you on an assignment, sir?" asked Tom.

But there are a hundred pretty appellations that befit a maiden. Thou canst call her thy 'sun, thy 'moon, thy 'star, thy 'light, 'life, 'goddess, and so on through a very bookful of terms. Shall I make thee a verse as we jog along?" "A thousand thanks! but no. I will stand on mine own footing, or stand not at all.

Cockrell, really made the first distinct mark I can detect on the tabula rasa of my memory, by giving me a charming pasteboard figure of a little girl, to whose serene and sweetly smiling countenance, and pretty person, a whole bookful of painted pasteboard petticoats, cloaks, and bonnets could be adapted; it was a lovely being, and stood artlessly by a stile, an image of rustic beauty and simplicity.

Then I went to the district leader and told him I could command two votes on election day, Tommy's and my own. He smiled on me and told me to go ahead. If I had offered him a speech or a bookful of learnin', he would have said, "Oh, forget it!" That was beginnin' business in a small way, wasn't it? But that is the only way to become a real lastin' statesman. I soon branched out.