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Will you write us an epitaph? It occurs to me here to wonder whether there can be any reader ungrateful enough to ask with grumbling voice, 'What of the book-bills?

"What is this?" said Doris in consternation. More books? Heavens, Arthur, what have you been ordering now! I couldn't sleep last night for thinking of the book-bills." "You little goose! Of course, I must buy books! Aren't they my tools, my stock-in-trade? Haven't these lectures justified the book-bills a dozen times over?"

Yet your deeds are such as cannot be concealed from the blind or the deaf. I may tell you at once, as you seem not to know it, that a man's hopes of the Imperial favour depend not on his book-bills, but on his character and daily life. Are you counting upon Atticus and Callinus, the copyists, to put in a good word for you?

'There the action lies in his true nature. Yet I should hardly, perhaps, have evoked this particular corollary from that man of leather's observation, if I had not chanced one evening to come across those old book-bills of my friend Narcissus, about which I have undertaken to write here, and been struck well-nigh awe-struck by the wonderful manner in which there lay revealed in them the story of the years over which they ran.

Rhys's Whitman, though it could not manifestly appear in his book-bills, does at the present moment rest upon his shelf 'a moment's monument. Perhaps it would be well, before proceeding with this present 'place in the story, to set out with a statement of the various 'authorities' for it; as, all this being veritable history, perhaps one should.