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I thought it might be necessary to prove my bona fides," she continued, with a laugh, "so I brought some letters of Jacob Herapath's with me letters written to me you recognize his big, bold hand, of course." There was no mistaking Jacob Herapath's writing, and the two young people, after one glance at it, exchanged glances with each other. "Now you want to know why I am here," said Mrs. Engledew.

Then the fetters over the debtors’ door, which we used to think were a bonâ fide set of irons, just hung up there, for convenience’ sake, ready to be taken down at a moment’s notice, and riveted on the limbs of some refractory felon!

"'Signore, sono in cantata di vi Vader in bona salute'." "I thank you, mademoiselle; but to translate 'I am enchanted', you must say 'ho pacer', and for to see you, you must say 'di vedervi'." "I thought, sir, that the 'vi' was to be placed before." "No, mademoiselle, we always put it behind."

Many who joined the Payne movement were doubtless roving spirits of this character, but the majority of them were bona fide home-seekers, who believed as citizens of this country they had a right to quarter-sections in the promised land, and who were determined to enforce those rights.

I thought the story which I heard of that marriage was incredible, and I have always spoken of it as a mockery. But from what I now gather from you, it seems to have been a bona fide marriage, true and valid." "I I'm afraid it it was," said Mr. Munn. Wiggins gave something that was almost like a groan.

When the affair of the Bona Dea had taken place there was no special enmity between this debauched young man and the great Consul. Cicero, though his own life had ever been clean and well ordered, rather affected the company of fast young men when he found them to be witty as well as clever. This very Clodius had been in his good books till the affair of the Bona Dea.

But on it being found that the flour was bona fide a part of the Maria's cargo the agents and all parties concerned were told that no further restrictions would be placed on the shipment, but it was at the same time pointed out that the flour was going direct to the enemy.

S. Luka, the Greek church, of nearly the same period and plan as the cathedral, was built in 1195 by Marco di Andrea Casa Franci, and Bona, daughter of Basilio, prior of Cattaro, The dome is pointed, and rests on four pointed Romanesque arches with rough pendentives.

Devious methods were adopted of holding public land through persons who seemed to be bona fide possessors in their own right, but were in reality merely agents of some planter who already held land up to the permitted limit. Then came the agricultural crisis which followed the Punic Wars.

At the end of the first year The Revolution had 2,000, and at the end of the second year 3,000 bona fide, paying subscribers, but these could not sustain it without plenty of advertising, and advertisers never lavish money on a reform paper. Mr. Pillsbury's valuable services were given at a minimum price, Mrs.