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On the French side things have gone even farther. Every man in certain attacks has been given a large scale map of the ground over which he has to go, and has had his own individual job clearly marked and explained to him. All the Allied infantrymen tend to become specialised, as bombers, as machine-gun men, and so on.

The ground is covered with weedy grass disappointed hay which makes silent progress a fairly simple matter. The bombers move forward in extended order searching for the saphead. Simson, in the centre, pauses occasionally to listen, and his well-drilled line pauses with him. Sergeant Carfrae calls stertorously upon the left. Out on the right is young M'Snape, tingling.

W. Keene was also living at this farm, in order to be near the bombing ground. And we had our little mess together in the farm parlour, and our bedroom in a nice dry attic. No bombing work was done for the first three days, in order to give time for the men to get rested and to clean their equipment. The bombers were billeted in a large barn just across the yard, with plenty of clean straw inside.

Your people, the East Cheshires, are going over at Fusilier Bluff, after we've blown up a huge mine. Their Brigade Bombers are going to occupy the crater. But, of course, mum's the word." Lastly, Monty held mysterious communion with my sergeant-major, a wonderful cockney humorist, who possessed the truth on all points.

They would spend two or three weeks digging and fixing up a nice trench and then along would come the bombers and blow it all to smithereens no wonder the boys were sore at us; but then, they were getting practice, and we were only doing what "Fritzie" would do for them later on.

At least that was what he called it. I differed with him, but didn't say so. The Captain said that as I had had a course in bombing, he thought he would put me in the Battalion Bombers. I protested that the honor was too great and that I really didn't think I was good enough. After that the Captain said that he didn't think I was going in the bombers. He knew it. I was elected!

Further forward still, half-right, another isolated trench was being held by a portion of the Highland Brigade. These were suffering cruelly, for the German artillery had the range to a nicety, and convenient sapheads gave the German bombers easy access to their flanks.

I left with a party of bombers soon after 1 P.M., going along a C.T. to Sanctuary Wood and then back through the trenches to Mount Sorrel. We found the trenches in a sad mess. That morning there had been a demonstration with all arms along this part of the front, and the enemy had naturally retaliated and done a lot of damage.

Stealthy bombers and strike aircraft either land or sea platform based Arsenal ships Submarines with conventional cruise missiles Stealthy land vehicles Stealthy observation/attack helicopters Stealth, combined with stand off, will contribute strongly to the protection of manned systems on the modern battlefield and will also be used extensively for other, high-value unmanned systems.

We came out after action, and we'd be terribly disappointed if we didn't get a lot of it." Then came signals from the leading plane. Closer formation was the rule from that time forward, since the bombers must be amply protected in order to allow their gunners an opportunity to get to work with those frightful explosives and hurl them at the place where the bridge was supposed to lie.