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Suffice it, that we find him bearing the rank of Capt. Boldheart, reclining in full uniform on a crimson hearth-rug spread out upon the quarter-deck of his schooner 'The Beauty, in the China seas. It was a lovely evening; and, as his crew lay grouped about him, he favoured them with the following melody: O landsmen are folly! O pirates are jolly! O diddleum Dolly, Di! CHORUS. Heave yo.

'On the larboard bow, sir, replied the fellow at the masthead, touching his hat. For such was the height of discipline on board of 'The Beauty, that, even at that height, he was obliged to mind it, or be shot through the head. 'This adventure belongs to me, said Boldheart. 'Boy, my harpoon.

He then dismissed them to their quarters, and the fight began with a broadside from 'The Beauty. She then veered around, and poured in another. The Latin-grammar master was seen upon the poop, in the midst of the smoke and fire, encouraging his men. At this moment, Boldheart, seizing a pike and putting himself at the head of his men, gave the word to board.

This, too, though he almost every day made presents of enormous value to his men. The ship being at length as full as she could hold of all sorts of valuable things, Boldheart gave orders to weigh the anchor, and turn 'The Beauty's' head towards England.

Boldheart, to throw off his uniform coat, regardless of the various rich orders with which it was decorated, and to plunge into the sea after the drowning giant, was the work of a moment.

Boldheart, than he fell upon his face on the deck, and could not be persuaded to rise until the captain had lifted him up, and told him he wouldn't hurt him. All the rest of the savages also fell on their faces with marks of terror, and had also to be lifted up one by one. Thus the fame of the great Boldheart had gone before him, even among these children of Nature.

Boldheart now pointed to the horizon, and called the attention of his crew to the taper spars of a ship lying snug in harbour under the guns of a fort. 'She shall be ours at sunrise, said he. 'Serve out a double allowance of grog, and prepare for action. All was now preparation.

Capt. Boldheart then turned to the Latin-grammar master, severely reproaching him with his perfidy, and put it to his crew what they considered that a master who spited a boy deserved. They answered with one voice, 'Death. 'It may be so, said the captain; 'but it shall never be said that Boldheart stained his hour of triumph with the blood of his enemy. Prepare the cutter.

The ringing voice of Boldheart was lost in the report of the guns and the screeching of the savages. Volley after volley awakened the numerous echoes. Hundreds of savages were killed, hundreds wounded, and thousands ran howling into the woods. The Latin- grammar master had a spare night-cap lent him, and a long-tail coat, which he wore hind side before.

It was further reported to Boldheart that the whole of these relations had expressed themselves in a becoming manner, and were anxious to embrace him and thank him for the glorious credit he had done them. Boldheart at once invited them to breakfast next morning on board 'The Beauty, and gave orders for a brilliant ball that should last all day.