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"It was easy for him," I said, rising to the defence. "Ho, ho," said Ump, "I wouldn't think you'd be throwin' bokays after that duckin'. I saw him. It wasn't so killin' easy." "It couldn't be so bad," said Jud; "the horse ain't a bit winded." "Laddiebuck," cried the hunchback, "you'll see before you get through. That current's bad." I turned around in the saddle.

"Yes confound you say that there's nobody in Chambers, and the party's off for to-day." "Shall I say that, sir? and after I bought them bokays?" asked Grady of his master. "Yes," said Amory, with a stamp of his foot; and Strong going to the door, too, reached it just in time to prevent the entrance of Captain Costigan, who had mounted the stair.

"Who give the best of their lives and thoughts to the meetin'-house from the time they sell button-hole bokays at church fairs in pantalettes, till they hand in their widder's mite with tremblin' fingers wrinkled with age think of this econimy in not givin' in, not givin' a mite of justice and right to the hull caboodle of such wimmen throughout the length and breadth of the country, and then think where would your very closest and tightest counsel of econimy stand by the side of this econimy of right, and manliness, and honor, and common sense."

"He's well-meanin', no doubt, and I have a good deal of sympathy for him. For, as I told Josiah, he's gittin' along in years, and I don't know what pervision eternity would give to him in the way of entertainment and use. He can't expect to go on there to all eternity a-samplin' wine, and tyin' neckties, and makin' button-hole bokays.

"Drive out about two miles," he ordered the man on the box, "and then let the ladies git out and pick bokays and enjoy nature for the rest of the afternoon. It's it's apt to be kind of stuffy here in the village." And the van rumbled away down the street toward the vista framed in the drooping elms.

The latter at once saw from the aspect of the two women what had occurred. "Grady, go and wait in the court," he said, "and if anybody comes you understand me." "Is it the play-actress and her mother?" said Grady. "Yes confound you say that there's nobody in chambers, and the party's off for to-day." "Shall I say that, sir? and after I bought them bokays?" asked Grady of his master.

'I don't know th' names iv ye; but I'll call ye all Casey, f'r short, he says. 'Put ye'er bokays in th' hammick, he says, 'an' return to Punch, he says; 'an' freeze somethin' f'r me, he says, 'f'r me thrawt is parched with th' labors iv th' day, he says. Th' r-rest iv th' avenin' was spint in dancin, music, an' boat-r-ridin'; an' an inj'yable time was had.

He has been in gr-reat purl fr'm a witherin' fire iv bokays, an' he has met an' overpowered some iv th' mos' savage orators in Porther Ricky; but, whin I las' heerd iv him, he had pitched his tents an' ice-cream freezers near the inimy's wall, an' was grajully silencin' thim with proclamations." "They'll kill him with kindness if he don't look out," said Mr. Hennessy.

He eyed the discontented features of his companions, and snorted violently. "Say," he cried, forcefully. "Look at that, you two bokays o' beauty." He pointed at the Meeting House. "There right there. If that darnation stack o' kindlin' was to fall that aways, why, I guess them vegetables wouldn't amount to a mush o' cabbige." Fighting Mike deliberately spat. "An' who in hell cares?" he snarled.

On his introduction Mr. Wain bowed low, assumed an air of great admiration, and expressed his extreme delight in making the acquaintance of so distinguished-looking a lady. "You're flatt'rin' me, Mr. Wain," returned Mis' Molly, with a gratified smile. "But you want to meet my daughter befo' you commence th'owin' bokays. Excuse my leavin' you I'll go an' fetch her."