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The original shines among the paintings in the splendid collection of Milor at Mountpleasant Castle. I will not pretend to say, concluded Vater Böhm, reloading his pipe, that the English have any taste, but they certainly have a strange passion for pictures; and, let them once get an idea into their heads, they are the most obstinate people in the world in the pursuit of it.

His teacher was displeased: 'You'll never be a fiddler! he told him, 'you use your bow too stiffly! But the boy's father took him to Böhm, and he remained with this teacher for three years, until his fundamental fault was completely overcome.

"Bohm Leipa is still not above thirty miles northeastward of the King; and it is about the same distance southwestward from Zittau, out of which fine Town, partly by cross-roads, the Prince gets his provisions on this march.

"It is such a gem!" repeated Kitty, throwing an angry glance at Charley and Bohm. And so we went on. Yes, Kitty did her best to cover it up; Kitty, as she would undoubtedly have said herself, could see a few things. But nobody could cover it up, though Beverly was now vigilant in his efforts to do so.

But, indisputably, the Pandour spurts on him do become Pandour gushings, with regulars also noticeable: it is certain the Austrians are out, pretending first to mean the King and Leitmeritz; but knowing better, and meaning the Prince and Bohm Leipa all the while." By way of supplement, take Daun's positions in the interim:

They were now staring about them in all their perfection of stare: small Charley in a sleek slate-colored suit, as neat as any little barber; Bohm, massive, portentous, his strong shoes and gloves the chief note in his dress, and about his whole firm frame a heavy mechanical strength, a look as of something that did something rapidly and accurately when set going cut or cracked or ground or smashed something better and faster than it had ever been cut or cracked or ground or smashed before, and would take your arms and legs off if you didn't stand well back from it; it was only in Bohm's eye and lips that you saw he wasn't made entirely of brass and iron, that champagne and shoulders decolletes received a punctual share of his valuable time.

And on the instant she was gone down the companionway. Bohm followed her with a less agitated speed, and soon all were gone below, leaving John and me alone on the deck, sitting together in silence. John lolled back in his chair, slowly sipping at his tall glass, and neither of us made any remark.

Over their mugs, in the garden across the way, they looked at each other solemnly. Then they threw back their big heads and laughed till their sides shook and their wigs stood askew. Kerlman laid his fat thumb on the table and regarded it respectfully. "Gott im Himmel!" he said. Bohm nodded, his eyes twinkling. The fat man raised his thumb from the table and twiddled it in the air.