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Lepsius and Brugsch have rendered important services to Egyptology, and Lachmann, K. O. Mueller, Von der Hagen, Boeckh, the brothers Grimm, Moritz Haupt, and others, to ancient and German philology. Through the labors of this historian, modern readers know the ancient Romans far better than they were known by nations who were in close contact with them.

But a much greater difficulty consisted in the fact that the chronological reports of the earlier history were all arranged according to the reigning years of the rulers, so that Manetho was obliged to construct an era for his work. Boeckh was the first to discover with certainty the existence and form of this era.

Arguments to which armies, and not orators, could alone reply. The principal other sources whence the Athenian revenue was derived, it may be desirable here to state as briefly and as clearly as the nature of the subject will allow. By those who would search more deeply, the long and elaborate statistics of Boeckh must be carefully explored. Those sources of revenue were 1st.

An extract preserved in Proclus, taken from a work now lost, which is quoted by Boeckh in his commentary on Plato, mentions islands in the exterior sea beyond the Pillars of Hercules, and says it was known that in one of these islandsthe inhabitants preserved from their ancestors a remembrance of Atlantis, an extremely large island, which for a long time held dominion over all the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.”

Leaving the further explanation of details, which the reader will find discussed at length in Boeckh and Martin, we may now return to the main argument: Why did God make the world? Like man, he must have a purpose; and his purpose is the diffusion of that goodness or good which he himself is.

Personal service was indeed the characteristic of all liturgies, a property-tax, which was not yet invented, alone excepted; and this, though bearing the name, has not the features, of a liturgy. Of the extraordinary liturgies, the trierarchy was the most important. It was of very early origin. Boeckh observes that it was mentioned in the time of Hippias.

I reserve for an appendix a more detailed and critical view of the vehement but tedious disputes of the learned on the complicated subject of the Athenian tribes and families. Boeckh himself, in a subsequent passage, rightly observes, that the names of zeugitae, etc., could only apply to new classes introduced in the place of those instituted by Solon.

The first Langham opened had a Latin dedication in a quavering old man's hand, 'Amico et discipulo meo, signed 'Fredericus Gulielmus Schelling. The next bore the autograph of Alexander von Humboldt, the next that of Boeckh, the famous classic, and so on.

It is no reflection upon Marx to indicate that the present need of the Social Democracy is for warriors rather than for prophets. Lassalle was one of the great figures of modern German history. The eminent classical historian, Boeckh, who knew Lassalle well, compared him to Alcibiades. Heine, in a letter introducing Lassalle to a friend, wrote: "I present to you a new Mirabeau."

The date of Menes given by Boeckh is 5702 B.C.; by Lenormant, 5004 B.C.; by Brugsch, 4455 B.C.; by Lepsius, 3852 B.C.; by Bunsen, 3623 or 3059 B.C.; E. Meyer makes 3180 B.C. the lowest possible date for Menes; 3233 B.C. is the date assigned by Duncker. It appears to be well ascertained that Egyptian civilization was in being at least as far back as about 4000 B.C.