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He said, you' know, that graftin' and whiskey boatin', an' robbin' the bank wa'n't none of his business. He said, course, he could write it down in his notes, but without names, 'count of somebody might read somethin' in them an' get some good friend of his in Dutch.

"They do not suspect us, Harry!" whispered Spike to his mate. "We shall get to windward of 'em, as sartain as the breeze stands. That boatin' gentleman might as well have staid at home, as for any good his hurry done him or his employers!" "Whom do you suppose him to be, Captain Spike?" "Who, a feller that lives by his own wicked deeds. No matter who he is. An informer, perhaps.

This is a plain sample of what to expect. They can sure shed mazuma, but they can't work, or turn out of bed in the morning. We should have been loaded and started an hour ago. It's you an' me for the big work. Pretty soon you'll hear 'em shoutin' for their coffee in bed, mind you, and they grown men. What d'ye know about boatin' on the water?

Pretty soon you'll hear 'em shoutin' for their coffee in bed, mind you, and them grown men. What d'ye know about boatin' on the water? I'm a cowman and a prospector, but I'm sure tenderfooted on water, an' they don't know punkins. What d'ye know?" "Search me," Kit answered, snuggling in closer under the tarpaulin as the snow whirled before a fiercer gust.

Her an' Flo do all right thar, but me an' Eb feel more at home on the water, with no women buttin' in." "Is Flo your daughter?" "Sure. An' Eb's me son. Jist the two, so I named this craft after 'em, ye see, Eb an' Flo sounds about right to my way of thinkin'. When yer boatin' on this river ye have to be allus considerin' the ebb an' flow of the tide, so the name is quite handy."

He doesn't take much to boatin', an' I have to make things as smooth as possible." "But can't you put his cot on deck?" the girl suggested. "I am very sorry that I am giving you so much trouble, but I shall pay you well. Money is no object if you will only help me out of my trouble. I am sure you will never regret it." "I hope not, Miss, fer I don't want to git into any fix.

My, it was sartinly some gale last night! I've been boatin' on this river fer over twenty-five years, an' I never saw anything like it. I thought mebbe you an' Flo intended to stay at the Hamptons all night. It was mighty lucky fer me, though, that ye didn't." "Mrs. Hampton coaxed us to stay, but I wanted to get home. I had a peculiar feeling that something was the matter."

She's got a soft face, an' purty hair ef it's all her own, which I powerfully doubt an' after that ther's nothin' to her. She's never been to sewin' meetin', an' she's off a boatin' with that New York chap every Saturday afternoon, instead of goin' to the young people's prayer-meetin's." "She's most supported Sam Ransom's wife an' young uns since Sam's smack was lost," suggested Ephr'm.

It wuz some as if the Manafactures part tended to the house and clothin', and this part tended to the livin' soul that inhabited it. It wuz dretful interestin' to see everything about devolipin' the strength and muscle in gymnasiums, skatin', rowin', boatin', and every other way. Food supply and its distribution, school kitchens.

It's too fer out, blamed if it isn't. Yes, I know Eben's fond of drawin', an' that's the trouble. He'd fiddle around all day with a paper an' pencil if I'd let him, an' not do a hand's turn." "But suppose he should make a success of his drawing, though?" "In what way? Wouldn't it be better fer him to learn boatin' so he kin take charge of this craft some day?" "He never will do that, Captain.