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I tried the other side and found that Coleman and Bluxome had an option on it. They've already sent men to guard both places." "Then," Sherman told them, "you cannot defend this jail against a well planned attack. Perhaps they'll not resort to force," he added hopefully. "The Governor's coming down to talk with Coleman."

Beneath the elevated desk, behind which sat Coleman, Bluxome, the secretary, lighted a single oil lamp, the better to see his notes. In the interest of the proceedings a general illumination had not been ordered. Within the shadow, the door opened and Charles Doane, the Grand Marshal of the Vigilantes, advanced three steps into the room. "Mr.

Windham commented. "Hell will break loose," Coleman stated with conviction. "Better come along, Benito. I'm going to find Ike Bluxome. It's time we prepared." When Benito rode up Montgomery street next morning he saw a litter being carried out of the Pacific Express Office. Beside it, were Mrs. King, Dr. Hammond and John Sime.

"He was meek enough till Hopkins had recovered ... offered to resign and quit the State forever." "I believe in Terry," Broderick remarked. "He's quarrelsome, but brave and honest as a judge. I spent a lot of money in a newspaper fight to help him through this mess." Bluxome eyed him keenly. "Yes, I know you did. I know you were sincere, too, Broderick.

Others came up and affixed their signatures: C.J. Dempster, the Post brothers, Alfred Rix, P.G. Childs and so on. Bluxome, relieved from his post, was No. 33. It proved in after days a potent numeral for it represented the secretarial seal on documents which spelled doom to evildoers; hope, law and order to an outraged populace. Meanwhile, McGowan, Scannell and his clan had not been idle.

He was conscious of the scrutiny of many eyes; he heard the word "pass" pronounced by some one in the background, and climbed the stairs. At the top he was directed to an anteroom at the left. Here behind a table sat Coleman, Dempster, and a third man unknown to him. To them he repeated the words of an oath of secrecy, and then was passed into another room where Isaac Bluxome sat behind a ledger.

Beneath Coleman's desk Bluxome, the secretary, had lighted an oil lamp the better to see his notes. In the interest of Keith's testimony the general illumination had not been ordered. Outside the tiny patch of yellow light the men of Vigilance sat motionless, listening, their shadows dim and huge against the wall.

To this, however, Terry paid no heed. Broderick, who had been out of town, campaigning, met Ike Bluxome on Montgomery street. "I thought you folks were going to disband," he spoke half-banteringly. And Bluxome answered with, his usual gravity. "We thought so, too ... but Terry jumped into the picture. Now he's boasting that the Committee didn't dare to hold him longer." Bluxome smiled faintly.

In this he wrote his name. "Your number is 178," said Bluxome to him, "By that number, and not by your name, you are henceforth to be known here. Never use names, always their numbers, in referring to other members." Thence Keith was directed to the main hall where were those already admitted. These were gathered in groups discussing the situation. In a moment Johnny Fairfax joined him.

Now and then a man would fall out of the line muttering wrathfully. "They're taking mighty good care not to let any of Scannell's friends get in," a man behind Benito confided. "The Sheriff's sent a dozen 'plants' this morning but Bluxome weeds them out unfailingly." After a time Benito found himself at the wicket, gazing into Isaac Bluxome's shrewd eyes.