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'Never mind, Molly, said Osborne. 'I stand up for blue-stockings! 'And I object to the distinction implied in what you say, said Roger. 'It was not deep, ergo, it was very interesting. Now, a book may be both deep and interesting. 'Oh, if you are going to chop logic and use Latin words, I think it is time for us to leave the room, said Mrs. Gibson.

There had been Vivian, of course, but no one quite knew the rights and the wrongs of that and it was over anyway. And now he had gone and married an American and a Bostonian. Americans, one knew, were heiresses and Bostonians were blue-stockings. The lady, it appeared, was not very rich, but of course, Tony would never have married for money. It was all very puzzling.

Thus engrossed, these two forgot many duties which even blue-stockings and innamoratas are expected to perform, and slowly all the homely humdrum cares that housewives know became Nan's daily life, and she accepted it without a thought of discontent.

There were little manuals in questions and answers, pamphlets of aggressive tone after the manner of Monsieur de Maistre, and certain novels in rose-coloured bindings and with a honied style, manufactured by troubadour seminarists or penitent blue-stockings.

Her influence was incalculable; it was the first time in the history of France that refined taste, intellectuality, and virtue had won importance, influence, and power. It must be remembered that in the first period of the salon there were no blue-stockings, no pedants: these were later developments.

Men of the first rank and talent the literary and the scientific, the practical, the theoretical blue-stockings and women of fashion, the old and the young, all crowded eagerly crowded the lecture-room." At the beginning of the year 1805 his salary was raised to 400 pounds a year. In May of that year the Royal Society awarded to him the Copley Medal.

Either they say nothing, or they say everything; they are always at the two extremes, and announce themselves as dunces or blue-stockings. One wants the just medium, the dainty commingling of simplicity and wisdom that shall yet be pure womanly, and this is precisely the jewel 'far above rubies' that one cannot find. I've given up the search long ago, and am entirely resigned to my lot.

When he can do no more, or no longer cares for advancement, the man who can write becomes a journalist and a hack. The life he leads is not unpleasing. Blue-stockings, beginners in every walk of life, actresses at the outset or the close of a career, publishers and authors, all make much of these writers of the ready pen.

"Yes, my dear, I did promise to take you to Lady Angelica Headingham's, and Lady Spilsbury's, but there's time enough not yet not till I have established you in a higher society: not for your advantage to get among the blue-stockings the blue rubs off and the least shade might ruin you with some people.

"Men who are too young or too old, poets in pyjamas, jealous doubtless of the strategists in slippers, regard it as their duty to be lavish in patriotic song. The trumpets of rhetoric blare; invective has become the chosen method of argument; a thousand blue-stockings, under cover of the Red Cross, when one chats with them out strolling, make a parade of spartan sentiments, amazonian impulses.