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They were satisfied that Tom had fairly won his glass of grog, I suppose; for, after some time, when I went aloft, I saw a high blue-pointed mountain rising out of the sparkling sea with ranges of lower hills beneath it.

We caught again many little animals which I had found on the 15th of October 1837; south latitude 37 degrees 28 minutes, east longitude 21 degrees 19 minutes; they were shaped like an octagonal crystal, terminating in a point, containing a brilliant blue colouring matter, they were about 0.4 inches in length, and were, when undisturbed, arranged in long strings, only the length of a single animal in thickness, and of the breadth of two of them abreast; they swam with the blue-pointed ends downwards, which then looked at a distance like the legs of a caterpillar, and the long string somewhat resembled a long gelatinous band in appearance as it passed through the water; but directly it was touched the animals separated themselves from one another.

Just opposite to me, across the stream, the blue-pointed Japanese dwellings have their to all closed; they are still shut up like boxes, for it is not yet sunrise, although it is day. But oh, the charm of the vision those first ghostly love-colours of a morning steeped in mist soft as sleep itself resolved into a visible exhalation!