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And he tenderly lifted from its black velvet mat a curious silver necklace made of small, flat, chain-linked disks, heavily chased, and set at regular intervals with a strange, blue-green stone. Billy hung above it enraptured. "Oh, what a beauty! And this, I suppose, is Bertram's 'pewter chain'! 'Pewter, indeed!" she scoffed. "Tell me, Uncle William, where did you get it?"

I learned to skate with my father on the frozen ponds. I was never weary of admiring the wintry landscape the wide plains sheeted with silver; the purple mountains peeping through brown vistas of bare forest; the nearer trees standing out in featherlike tracery against the blue-green sky. To me it was all beautiful; even more beautiful than in the radiant summertime.

Up their foothills and lower slopes was a thick furring of trees with foliage of so deep a green as to register black from this distance. And on the level country was the lighter blue-green of the other variety of wood edging the open country about the river. In there rested the L-B. "I don't see anything!" he snapped, so sharply the little man stared at him in open surprise.

It all flashed back beside his pillow in the dark: this beautiful land, this beautiful people, this beautiful omelette; gold poplars, blue-green vineyards, wet, scarlet vine leaves, rain dripping into the court, fragrant darkness... sleep, stronger than all. The woodland path was deep in leaves. Claude and David were lying on the dry, springy heather among the flint boulders.

At last he arose and returned to the cabin. He carried a few frosty, blue-green leaves of velvet softness and unusual cutting, prickly thorn apples full of seeds, and some of the smoother, more yellowish-green leaves of the jimson weed, to give excuse for his absence. "Don't touch them," he warned as he came to her. "They are poison and have disagreeable odour.

One shape two three Clearly detailed where matching vegetation gave them no covering camouflage, the watchers had come out of the woods at last. A line of them were walking quietly and upright towards the humans, their blue-green fuzz covering like a mist under the direct rays of the sun.

Stephanus and Paulus were silent, and yet a tacit intercourse subsisted between them as they sat gazing towards the west, where the sun was near its setting. Far below them gleamed the narrow, dark blue-green streak of the Red Sea, bounded by the bare mountains of the coast, which shone in a shimmer of golden light.

"But that's the truth. And that, too, may explain a number of other matters. "So you see how it is, dear. The world is full of a number of things. One of them signs himself your friend, Virginia's eyes remained on the written page long after she had finished reading. They closed once or twice, opened again, blue-green, expressionless.

To the right was the magnificent residence a palace indeed belonging to Susannah; to the left was an extensive grove, where tall palms, sycamores with spreading foliage, and dense thickets of blue-green tamarisk trees cast their shade.

The girl had run to a window, and was looking out toward the marvelous show of blue-green water and distant Berkeley hills. "Will you open this window for me, please?" she asked. I stepped to her side, forestalling Worth who was eyeing the room's interior with curiosity. "You'll notice the burglar-proof sash locks," I said as I manipulated this one.