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'No, they jolly well aren't. He drew her a little aside. 'A blue-faced mandrill, silly, is real; it's in my natural history book. 'Sorry, said Dilly apologetically. 'In my natural history book it is, a real thing. I'm a blue-faced mandrill.... Now say it after me. 'You's a two-faced mangle. 'Now you're doing it on purpose! If you weren't a little girl, Dilly 'I wasn't doing it on purpose.

'Yes, he's a two-faced mangle, repeated Dilly. He turned round on her sharply. 'Now, don't talk nonsense! You're a silly girl. I never said anything about being a two-faced mangle; I'm a blue-faced mandrill. 'Well, I said so; a two-faced mangle. 'Don't say anything at all if you can't say it right, said Archie, raising his voice and losing his temper. 'Well, they's both the same.

He's been very decent to me in our walk though you did say such extraordinary things to him this afternoon. I believe he really wants to make amends." "I do hate his white eyelashes so," said Kitty, slowly. "What does it matter," cried Ashe, angrily, "whether he were a blue-faced baboon! for two nights? Just listen to him a little, Kitty that's all he wants.

For some time this was passed over unnoticed; but at last one of the guards, a tall Maori, whose face was so lined in curves that it seemed to be absolutely blue, walked slowly over to the merry group, spear in hand, to give one child a poke with the butt, another a sharp blow over the head, evidently with the intention of producing silence; but in the case of the younger children his movements had the opposite effect, and this roused the ire of some of the women, who spoke out angrily enough to make the tall, blue-faced savage give a threatening gesture with his spear.

He took a gasp, a larger gasp, as a long-dead reflex came sleepily to life, shook its head, reared back ... Phillip sneezed. He sneezed for ten minutes without a pause, until he lay on the floor blue-faced and gasping for air. He caught hold of Jake, wringing his hand as tears gushed from his eyes. He gave his nose an enormous blow, and headed shakily for the telephone.

She's too weak let me have her!" Dan snatched the child and turned it face downward. The blue-faced baby fought in a supreme effort again the horrible something then Dan laid the child, white and motionless, in her mother's arms. She held the limp body close, her eyes wide with fear. "Dan, is is she ?"

So about three o'clock the bugles sound, and the combatants, hot and grimy, fall back into close order at the point of deployment, where they are presently joined by the Divisional Reserve, blue-faced and watery-eyed with cold. This done, principals and understudies, casting envious glances at one another, form one long column of route and set out for home, in charge of the subalterns.

So said the blue-faced Major, whose eyes were starting out of his head: who gloried in Princess's Place: and who delighted to turn the conversation at his club, whenever he could, to something connected with some of the great people in the great street round the corner, that he might have the satisfaction of saying they were his neighbours.

Round about his steading, which was screened by sycamores from the westerly gales, lay the mountain pastures, broken by terraces of limestone rock. Above, where the limestone yields place to the millstone, were the high moors and fells, where grouse, curlews and merlins nested among the heather, and hardy, blue-faced sheep browsed on the mountain herbage.

Near the bed stood Grace Martin, pale but anxiously watching the efforts of the doctor to resuscitate the blue-faced man who was stretched cold and motionless on the bed. Dr. Burnham paused in his efforts as we entered. "He is dead, all right," he whispered, aside. "I have tried everything I know to bring him back, but he is beyond help."