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They are such children and so helpless without a master hand." "Yas'm," agreed Uncle Billy readily. "An' de marster's han' ought to have a hick'ry stick in it fer dat nigger. Yas, bless Gawd. But you got me, Miss Hallie," he announced proudly. "I ain't runned away to de blue-bellies yet." "No, you dear old thing," Mrs.

No sooner, then, did the Federals arrive within close range, than the wild yells of the Southern infantry became mingled with fierce laughter and derisive shouts. "Take off them boots, Yank!" "Come out of them clothes; we're gwine to have them!" "Come on, blue-bellies, we want them blankets!" "Bring them rations along!

First ther durned gray-backs they come snoopin' up yere, an' run off all my horgs; then ther blame blue-bellies come 'long an' cut down every lick o' my corn fodder, so thet I'll be cussed if I ain't 'bout ready ter fight either side. Anyhow I ain't did no fightin' yit worth talkin' 'bout, fer Mariar is pow'ful feared I'd git hurt." Maria regarded him scornfully. "Hiding out, I suppose?"

Sheridan he played hell with his cavalry raids, an' whut the blue-bellies left ther durned guerillas an' bushwhackers wiped up es clean es a slate. Durn if a crow wudn't starve ter deth in ther valley now. Why, Cap, them thar deserters an' sich truck is organized now till they're mighty nigh an army, an' they don't skeer fer nuthin' les' ner a reg'ment.

Secondly A man, you see, may have money, or he may not, when his follow creature who stands in need of it makes an appale to his dacency and his feelings; and sorry I'd be to think that there's a man before me, or a woman either, who'd refuse to assist the distresses of any one, of any creed, church, or persuasion, whether white, black, or yallow no; I don't except even the blue-bellies themselves.

The matter was settled by the party taking a vote, when twelve were selected as the favored ones. The rebel soldiers who perpetrated this outrageous murder, spent the rest of the day in spreeing and jollification, many of them writing to their friends at home an account of the pleasure they felt in assisting in the hanging of "seven blue-bellies," as they termed the Union soldiers.

"I see," he said, and Harris, knowing that due weight would be given the fact let go a faint sigh of relief and stepped back. The cigar came out of the General's mouth. "Tell me about it," he said to Uncle Billy. The old negro drew himself up and shifted his weight onto his other foot. "Well, seh, 'twas dis way. One mornin' de blue-bellies 'skuse me, seh, de cav'lry gent'men.