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We land at the pretty valley of Halong, where a rippling brook traverses a wood of sago-palms, and falls in a white cascade over the rocks of a sheltered bathing-pool, screened by green curtains of banana and tall mangosteens, laden with purple fruit. Makassar-trees rain their yellow blossoms into the water, cloves fill the air with pungent fragrance, and lychees droop over the clear current.

The Red Lily lagoons lie away from the Roper, on either side of it, wide-spreading and shallow great sheets of water with tall reeds and rushes about them, and glorious in flowering time with their immense cup-shaped crimson blossoms clustering on long stalks above great floating leaves leaves nearly approaching three feet in diameter I think; and everywhere about the leaves hover birds and along the margins of the lagoons stalk countless waders, cranes, jabiroos, and oftentimes douce native companions.

The, for the first time, the orchard heard the sound of weeping and was consecrated by a sorrow. "When the blossoms come out it's wonderful to walk here," said the Story Girl. "It's like a dream of fairyland as if you were walking in a king's palace. The apples are delicious, and in winter it's a splendid place for coasting."

There his friends were most likely to find him in suitable weather, and when June came they were sure to receive a share of the bountiful blossoms; nor did he ever forget the sick and suffering. He was greatly interested to hear of a German doctor at Munich who had a rose-garden with more than a hundred varieties in it.

Strain through a fine muslin or flannel bag, pressing it hard to get out all the strength of the coffee. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved; when cold, add the remaining pint of cream and freeze. This will serve six persons. 1 quart of cream 1 wineglassful of curacao 1/2 pound of sugar 2 tablespoonfuls of orange blossoms water Juice of two oranges

What in the world can she mean by the Faery Queen? I dare say some romantic tale!" The clover blossoms grew heavier every day with honey, and their great red heads bobbed about clumsily in the little breezes that visited the grass by the lake shore.

"The gulls are wise," I said to the woman. "We could not plan a better water defense to our camp." The grass came down to the water, and we pulled the canoes over short turf and into beds of white blossoms. A cloud of butterflies rose to greet us; they too were satin-white, the color that a bride should wear, and they fluttered over us without fear. The smell of the grasses rose like incense.

Through the greenhouses we marched, monarchs of all we surveyed, old Porphery, the gardener, presenting Mistress Dolly with a crown of orange blossoms, for which she thanked him with a pretty courtesy her governess had taught her. Were we not king and queen returned to our summer palace?

After all it was almost as nice as being in Fairyland, Una thought, as they sat under a large cherry tree covered with snowy blossoms, and drank tea out of the thinnest of china cups, each one shaped like a different flower, with a beetle or a bird or a butterfly for the handle.

"What is she doing that for?" inquired Peter. "For the same reason that you bite off sweet clover blossoms and leaves," replied Jenny Wren tartly. "Do you mean to say that they live on buds and blossoms?" cried Peter. "I never heard of such a thing." "Tut, tut, tut, tut, tut! You can ask more silly questions than anybody of my acquaintance," retorted Jenny Wren.