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There was much shooting, but few were the ducks that fell before it. In concluding this story my friend remarked in a tone of disgust: "All the game-preserving sportsmen that come to me are just like that! They want to kill all they can kill!" There is a blood-test by which to separate the conscientious sportsmen from the mere gunners.

We saw that, on the blood-test, man showed a very close relationship to the anthropoid apes, a less close affinity to the Old World monkeys, a more remote affinity to the American monkeys, and a very faint and distant affinity to the femurs. A comparison of their structures suggests the same conclusion.

It's tied up as tight as a drum. You could n't get a boat on all the Pacific to touch that port these days!" "But there's got to be something going there!" contended Blake. "They daren't do it! They couldn't get clearance they couldn't even get pratique! Once they got in there they 'd be held and given the blood-test and picketed with a gunboat for a month!

The Dutcher law has caused the plumage of wild birds almost wholly to disappear from the State of New York! We shall here point out the plain duty of each state; and then it will be up to them, individually, to decide whether they can stand the blood-test or not. A state or a nation can be ungentlemanly, unfair or mean, just the same as an individual.

Anyway, it gives 'em more time to make trouble for their neighbours. We call 'em Serviles locally. And they are apt to be tuberculous. 'Just so! said the man called Mulligan. Transportation is Civilisation. Democracy is Disease. I've proved it by the blood-test, every time. 'Mulligan's our Health Officer, and a one-idea man, said the Mayor, laughing.

The law may justly discriminate between the actual game preserve and the mere killing-ground. Whenever a killing-ground becomes a public burden, it may be abated, the same as any other public infliction. In private game preserves the time has arrived when lawmakers and judges must begin to apply the blood-test, and separate the true from the false.