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Sad as it was for him, Chad knew what the silent torture in Harry's heart must be, for Harry could not bring himself, that day, even to visit his own home. And now Morgan was coming, and they might soon be in a death-fight, Harry with his own blood-brother and both with boyhood friends. "God grant that you two may never meet!"

Also by Lousta, my blood-brother, over whom she has cast her net and made false to me, so that he hopes to win her whom he has always loved and with her the Chieftainship of the Axe. Now what shall I do? Tell me, you whose eyes can see in the dark."

He played the social String from the W. C. T. U. to the Elks and was a blood-brother of the Tin Horn and the acidulated Elder with the scant Skilligans. In order to keep the High-Binders and the Epworth Leaguers both on his Staff at one and the same time, he had to be some Equilibrist, so he never hoisted a Slug except in his own Office, where he kept it behind the Supreme Court Reports.

"Martin," said he, his eyes steady again, "I will confess to you that is my blood-brother and comrade sworn, I have thought better of of her than any proud lady or duchess of 'em all " "Despite the foul and shameful lie you heard her utter?" "Despite everything, Martin." "Then God help you, Adam!" "Amen," said he. "You are surely crazed "

Lastly, I warn you before the people to cease from your plottings or traffic with Lousta, lest ill come of them to you, or him, even though he be my blood-brother, or to both." "Plottings!" cried Monazi in a shrill and furious voice. "Does Umslopogaas talk of plottings?