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Blodsombre is just starting, and you had better stay here till the afternoon. We can quickly put that body out of sight, and, as you seem to detest me so much, the place is big enough we needn't talk, or even see each other." "I don't wish to breathe the same air." "Singular man!" She was sitting erect and motionless, like a beautiful statue.

All that he saw in that instant was a glaring ball of electric white, three times the apparent diameter of the sun. For a few minutes he was quite blind. "My God!" he exclaimed. "If it's like this in early morning you must be right enough about Blodsombre." When he had somewhat recovered himself he asked, "How long are the days here, Joiwind?" Again he felt his brain being probed.

"Is it Blodsombre yet?" asked Maskull, sprawling on the ground, well content. Polecrab resumed his old upright sitting posture, with his feet in the water. "Just beginning," was his hoarse response. "Then I must stay here till it's over.... Shall we talk?" "We can," said the other, without enthusiasm.

"Let us start," said Maskull. "The luck I've had so far is nothing to brag about." Blodsombre was over when they set off; it was early afternoon, but the heat seemed more stifling than ever. They made no more pretence at conversation; both were buried in their own painful thoughts. The land fell away from Disscourn in all other directions, but toward Sant there was a gentle, persistent rise.

The youth looked at him serenely. He made no reply, but Maskull felt as if he were being thrust backward by an iron hand on his throat. "The morning's work is now concluded, Sature. Come here again after Blodsombre. After tonight you will remain here permanently, I expect, so you had better set to work to clear a patch of ground for your roots.

When it was drawing near to Blodsombre, they approached the sedgy margin of a dark green lake, which lay underneath Poolingdred. Panawe was sitting on a dark rock, waiting for them. The husband got up to meet his wife and their guest. He was clothed in white. He had a beardless face, with breve and poigns.

"There's nothing left to do, except mourn the dead. You won't grudge me that last office?" "Do you want to stay here?" demanded Oceaxe suspiciously. "Yes, Oceaxe dear, I wish to be alone." "Then what is to become of us?" "I thought that you and your lover what is his name?" "Maskull." "I thought that perhaps you two would go to Disscourn, and spend Blodsombre at my home."

Leehallfae seemed annoyed, but raised no opposition. Maskull did not awaken till long after Blodsombre. Leehallfae was standing by his side, looking down at him. It was doubtful whether ae had slept at all. "What time is it?" Maskull asked, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. "The day is passing," was the vague reply. Maskull got on to his feet, and gazed up at the cliff.

"For about four hours in the middle of the day Branchspell's rays are so hot that no one can endure them. We call it Blodsombre." "Is Branchspell another name for Arcturus?" Joiwind threw off her seriousness and laughed. "Naturally we don't take our names from you, Maskull. I don't think our names are very poetic, but they follow nature."

"It will taste the same," said Tydomin. "When I have gone out of this country, I don't wish to feel that I have left a demon behind me, wandering at large. That would not be fair to others. So we will go to the lake, which promises an easy death for you." She shrugged her shoulders. "We must wait till Blodsombre is over." "Is this a time for luxurious feelings?