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Other times like the present when the breed gets the better of me, and I can only stand outside and admire." "Oh, don't be a blithering idiot, Jake!" said Bunny in hot discomfiture. Jake's hand grasped his shoulder. "Sit down, and bring yourself to my level for a minute! Maybe I am a blithering idiot, maybe I'm not.

He cashed in thirty-five hundred dollars, and Shorty carried the dust home to the cabin. "Now's the time to jump the game," Shorty advised, as he sat on the edge of his bunk and took off his moccasins. "You're seven thousan' ahead. A man's a fool that'd crowd his luck harder." "Shorty, a man would be a blithering lunatic if he didn't keep on backing a winning system like mine."

We were getting into the spirit of the thing when the mishap broke everything all up. I'll kill that blithering property man when I lay hands on him."

The Colonel's own nerves were beginning to assert themselves and with an oath he cuffed the fellow back to a state of coherence. "Stand up, you blithering fool, and tell us what you mean by raising such a fuss." Mose finally found his tongue but we still could make nothing of his story.

"He's got a lot to do with it, you blithering boob." "Besides," drawled Peter Snipe, the novelist, picking doggedly at the calloused ridges on one of his palms, "some of the women object to moving in the dark of the moon. They say it's sure to bring bad luck." "There's quite a mixup about it," observed Flattner. "Part of 'em claim it's good luck.

'I'm fed up, Elise. I'm I'm gorged. When I heard you were down here, I said, "By George! I'll go and see her. I can talk to Elise. She's got some sense." 'What a thing to say about a woman! 'Don't chaff me, Elise. I can't stand it. I'm frightfully upset really. 'What has Marian been doing to you? 'Nothing, except making a blithering ass of me.

Tell me to do it, and I'll desert and make my way to Paris and " "And the military police will see that you make your way to hell via a stone wall. And serve you right. Don't be a blithering fool," said Doggie. "Then I don't know what I can do for you, laddie, except die of remorse at your feet." "We're all going to die of rheumatic fever," said Doggie, shivering in his sodden uniform.

Mainwaring I've heard you speak of, and a right clever fellow he is, too! 'Clerk! he roars out, 'clerk, you blithering idiot! he's no more clerk than you are coachman, nor half so much, for you're fit for nothing but to take care of horses all your days!

Sit down, you blithering Dutch idiot, and let them go! They are playing into our hands," and then he whispered something in the captain's ears. Hendry looked into the supercargo's face with half-terrified, half-savage eyes. "I'm with you, Sam. Better that than be hanged for shooting a couple of niggers." "Just so, Louis.

"If I might make the suggestion, sir, a simple brown or blue, with a hint of some quiet twill " "What absolute rot!" "Very good, sir." "Perfectly blithering, my dear man!" "As you say, sir." I felt as if I had stepped on the place where the last stair ought to have been, but wasn't. I felt defiant, if you know what I mean, and there didn't seem anything to defy. "All right, then," I said.