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He is always troubled with small scruples, which his conscience catches like the itch, and the rubbing of these is both his pleasure and his pain. But for things of greater moment he is unconcerned, as cattle in the summer-time are more pestered with flies that vex their sores than creatures more considerable, and dust and motes are apter to stick in blear-eyes than things of greater weight.

"Jerry the Rat!" he murmured; then to the man himself: "So, it's you, Jerry. Haven't seen you for two years." Through blear-eyes the little fellow surveyed Johnny for a second. "Johnny Thompson, de clean guy wot packs a wallop!" he exclaimed. "Dere dey go! We can get 'em!" He pointed down the alley. "Got a gun?" asked Johnny, standing a bit unsteadily. "Two of 'em. C'mon. We ken git de yeggs yit."

At length, with a pasty face, blear-eyes, liver-coloured lips, a battered hat, a dripping and torn waterproof, reeling, holding my ticket in my teeth, the sword in one hand and my portmanteau in the other, looking like a dynamitard every inch, and at once pounced on and overhauled by the police and customs-officers, I staggered ashore.

He scratched his head. "This is mighty queer, the whole business," he declared, assailed by doubts. "Suppose you are NOT Mrs. Wrandall, but the other one. What then?" As if in answer to his question, the man Morley opened his blear-eyes and tried to get to his feet. "Wha what are we doin' here, Mis' Wran'all? Wha's up?" "Stay where you are, Steve," said the other. "It's all right."