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"And he was in quest of the San Greal?" "If you like." "And showed his good taste by turning aside for the more tangible San Blandish?" "Of course you consider it would have been so," sighed the lady, ruffling. "I can only judge by our generation," said Sir Austin, with a bend of homage. The lady gathered her mouth. "Either we are very mighty or you are very weak." "Both, madam."

"He must have written it," she thought, "when he had himself for an example strange man that he is!" Lady Blandish was still inclined to submission, though decidedly insubordinate. She had once been fairly conquered: but if what she reverenced as a great mind could conquer her, it must be a great man that should hold her captive.

Berry, were toiling to deck the day at hand, Raynham and Belthorpe slept, the former soundly; and one day was as another to them. They were certainly rather monotonous and spiritless. The baronet did not complain. That cold dutiful tone assured him there was no internal trouble or distraction. "The letters of a healthful physique!" he said to Lady Blandish, with sure insight.

Round the baronet's chair, in a semi-circle, were Lucy, Lady Blandish, Mrs. Doria, and Ripton, that very ill bird at Raynham. They were silent as those who question the flying minutes. Ripton had said that Richard was sure to come; but the feminine eyes reading him ever and anon, had gathered matter for disquietude, which increased as time sped.

Berry, were toiling to deck the day at hand, Raynham and Belthorpe slept, the former soundly; and one day was as another to them. They were certainly rather monotonous and spiritless. The baronet did not complain. That cold dutiful tone assured him there was no internal trouble or distraction. "The letters of a healthful physique!" he said to Lady Blandish, with sure insight.

The baronet, Lady Blandish, and Adrian remained on horseback, and received Richard's adieux across the palings. He shook hands with each of them in the same kindly cold way, elicitating from Adrian a marked encomium on his style of doing it. The train came up, and Richard stepped after his uncle into one of the carriages.

She has no friend but me." "My poor boy! has she made you think that?" "How unjust you all are!" cried Richard. "How mad and wicked is the man who can let him be tempted so!" thought Lady Blandish. He would pronounce no promise not to visit her, not to address her publicly. The world that condemned her and cast her out was no better worse for its miserable hypocrisy.

Sir Austin kissed her on the forehead, saying: "You had better not come down again, my child." She kept her eyes on him. "Oblige me by retiring for the night," he added. Lucy shook their hands, and went out, accompanied by Mrs. Doria. "This agitation will be bad for the child," he said, speaking to himself aloud. Lady Blandish remarked: "I think she might just as well have returned.

And Adrian cheerily drove his pen afresh. Mrs. Doria took Lucy's hand, mutely addressing encouragement to her, and Lucy brought as much of a smile as she could command to reply with. "I fear we must give him up to-night," observed Lady Blandish. "If he said he would come, he will come," Sir Austin interjected. Between him and the lady there was something of a contest secretly going on.

You're the best fellow I ever knew, Richard. You are, on my honour! I swear I would not step in between you and your wife to cause either of you a moment's unhappiness. When I can be another woman I will, and I shall think of you then." Lady Blandish heard from Adrian that Richard was positively going to his wife.