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The motion was duly seconded by Welcome P. Brown, who had been Probate Judge of McLean County far back in the thirties, and postmaster of the struggling village of Bloomington when Jackson was President. President Shope promptly arose and in the blandest possible terms submitted: "Gentlemen of the Bar, all who are in favor of the motion to adjourn will please say, Aye."

'Most supreme wisdom, answered Orestes, in his blandest tone, 'you cannot suppose that I wish to pain your ears. But allow me to observe, as a general theorem, that if one wishes to effect any purpose, it is necessary to use the means; and on the whole, those which have been tested by four hundred years' experience will be the safest.

Then taking a slight pose with his gold-headed cane in one hand and the other thrust in the breast of his buttoned coat, he said in his blandest, forensic voice: "If I mistake not, sir, you are advising these ladies and gentlemen to a free and public confession of their sins and a er denunciation of their past life previous to their conversion.

Those who have got the most of the current coin of the realm receive the blandest smile from the parson, the politest nod from the beadle, the promptest attention from that strange mixture of piety and pay called "the chapel-keeper;" those who have not got it must take what they can get, and accept it with Christian resignation, as St. Paul tells them.

Waiting upon the table was a female domestic, a young girl of good manners and appearance. To her Mrs. Tudor uniformly spoke in a way that must have been felt as peculiarly disagreeable. The blandest smile; and the most winning expression of voice, would instantly change, when Lucy was addressed, to a cold, supercilious look, and an undertone of command.

She has not remembered this, which is one insult; and she has suspected my niece of theft, which is another." Miss Pink paused to take breath. Mr. Troy made a second attempt to get a hearing. "Will you kindly permit me, madam, to say a few words?" "No!" said Miss Pink, asserting the most immovable obstinacy under the blandest politeness of manner. "Your time, Mr. Troy, is really too valuable!

'We know, added Mazarin, in his blandest tone of irony, 'that M. le Coadjuteur is so devoted to the Court, and so solicitous for his flock, that a little over-anxiety must be pardoned to him!

You ask for beef steak, or ham and eggs, and the master of the house, in the blandest manner and with much shrugging of the shoulders, will answer you, "Me ver sorry, hab got ebery ting but that," and ditto to your next order, he has also the sang froid to tell you on your complaining of the toughness of that succulent, that his cabbage must be tender because it has been boiling ever since the "Caledonia" went home.

"Oh! you muss go," said Nita, in silvery tones and disjointed English. "If you go not, monsieur, I go not!" "That of course decides the question, Mademoiselle," said the gallant Professor, with one of his blandest smiles, "I shall accompany you with pleasure. But I have one little request to make.

Once Harney's voice, pitched in its blandest tone, was heard talking to the ladies, and then Ellen stopped her ears, exclaiming passionately: "I hate that man, I hate him. I almost wish that I could kill him." "Hush, Ellen; remember! 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord," Alice whispered to the excited girl who answered hastily: "Don't preach to me now. I'm too wretched.