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He was willing to admit, in this confidential circle, moreover, that he had taken up college work chiefly with the ambition of assisting Blaines over a critical year or two in its history, and that, to put it only generally, he was not indefinitely bound to his present position.

How about having a paper of your own some day, to express your own ideas and get things done, big things, the way you want 'em?" "You mean the Post?" "Well, the editor of the Post certainly would be in line, whereas the president of Blaines Grammar School certainly ain't." "What do you mean by in line, Plonny?" Mr. Neal invested his cigar with an enigmatic significance.

Blaines College shall never blot out the Department of Charities. I nearly forgot a bit of news. Gloomy news. The Post is going to fire your little Doctor." "Ah no!" "It looks that way. The directors will take it up definitely in April. Colonel Cowles is going to recommend it. He says the Doc has more learning than society requires."

The trustees met on Saturday, with the Chronicle still pounding away with deadly regularity. Its editorial of the afternoon before was entitled, "We Want A College President Not A Class President," and had frankly urged the trustees of old Blaines to consider whether a change of administration was not advisable. This was advice which some of the trustees were only too ready to follow. James E. Winter, coming armed cap-

It was true he regarded the difference between a contract and direct employment as merely a question of degree, and a quibble in any case, and he felt pretty sure that the Blaines would not risk the maharajah's unchancy friendship by dismissing himself; but he suspected there were limits.

The smell came through a broken pane, and every once in a while the Blaines' horse, standing ready in the shafts outside with a blanket over him, squealed at it indignantly. Tom's horse dozed in the rough shed, being used to elephants. Dick got up once or twice to peer through the window at the brutes. "Are they tethered fore and aft?" he wondered. "No," Tom answered. "One hind foot only."

It was not his first call at the Blaines' house, although somehow or other he never contrived to find Dick Blaine at home.

They were extraordinary eyes, gray and emerald, not large, but singularly long. He looked fully into them, and she slowly smiled. "The other honor," said Charles Gardiner West, "is of a commoner kind. They want to make me president of Blaines College." "Oh really!" said Miss Avery, and paused. "And shall you let them do it?" He nodded, suddenly thoughtful and serious.

But the Blaines did not go, although Dick put in no appearance at the club. Then Patali, who was sedulously cultivating Yasmini's patronage, with ulterior designs on Utirupa that were not misunderstood, told Norwood's wife's ayah's sister's husband that the American had secured another contract; and the news, of course, reached Samson's ears at once.

"I'd like to inquire," said James E. Winter, sombrely, at the January board meeting, "what is the point, if any, of the President of Blaines College trapesing all over the country to attend these here banquets." They used unacademic as well as plain language in the Blaines board meeting by this time. West smiled at Trustee Winter's question.