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"You'll not come a step in here, Captain, if I know it; you might follow us along the road, for I couldn't help it, but, by G d, you don't come in here!" "Nonsense, man; do you think I'll stop out for a drunken man's riot? let me pass." "Set a foot in here, you blackguard, and I'll stretch you!"

He sprang from his chair as if he had been a young man in whom some insult had struck blazing fire. "You you dare!" he shouted. "You insolent blackguard! You force your way in here and dare dare !" And he clenched his fist, wildly shaking it.

Whatsoever the reason that prompted him, he did not respond to Laxley's advances; and Laxley, disregarding him, dealt with Raikes alone. In a tone plainly directed at him, he said: 'Well, Harry, tired of this? The agriculturals are good fun, but I can't stand much of the small cockney. A blackguard who tries to make jokes out of the Scriptures ought to be kicked!

His speech was interrupted by Bruce, who, with his friends, had instantly sprung at the ropes, and cut them in half a dozen places, while the great heavy horses, frightened out of their propriety, turned tail and bolted away at a terrifically heavy trot. "You big hulking blackguard," roared Brogten, who had been the first to use his knife, "why the devil didn't you move when we told you?

Well, at this Sloffemsquiggle there lived a girl, a Miss Waters, the niece of some blackguard apothecary in the neighborhood; but my mother took a fancy to the girl, and had her up to the park and petted her. We were both young and and the girl fell in love with me, that's the fact.

She had married a gambling, drinking blackguard, whom he had forbidden to enter his doors; and now, when she might retrieve her position, and marry well and creditably, she refused to make the slightest effort to meet his views. Helen's life was a mystery to all but herself.

"I don't think there is a boy in the school who would tell a lie to Tulloch." "That is right, lads. A gentleman will never tell a lie to screen himself, when he has got into a scrape. I wouldn't keep the smartest young officer in the service on board a ship of mine, if I caught him telling a lie; for I should know that he would not only be a blackguard, but a coward.

For this purpose he was not at all bound to be a moral gentleman, nor, as he conceived, to be a gentleman at all not, at least, in the commencement of his career: he might become accomplished at any convenient period of his life, and become moral at the end of it, but he might begin by being an accomplished blackguard. Blackguard is a harsh word; but what other will express the idea?

The provost's men are beating the country for the blackguard. When they find him it's a firing party he'll have to face." Tremayne turned slowly to the window and looked down the fair prospect of the hillside over a forest of cork oaks alive with fresh green shoots to the silver sheen of the river a mile away.

Like orient pearls at random strung; and, therefore, before the current of his associations had drifted farther from the point he had left, he brought him back by some inquiry about Dirk Hatteraick. "Oh, he's a a gude sort of blackguard fellow eneugh naebody cares to trouble him smuggler, when his guns are in ballast privateer, or pirate faith, when he gets them mounted.