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"Come here, quick! quick! before he gets the better of it." The black swam like a mad thing to George. George splashed into the water up to his knee, and taking blackee under the arm-pits, tore him out of the water and set him down high and dry. "Give us your hand over it, old fellow," cried George, panting and trembling. "Oh dear, my heart is in my mouth, it is!"

"Now, Blackee, if anybody wants me, tell them I've gone to Winchester," said Tom, when he had ordered his escort to halt. "No, massa, I won't say one word," replied the servant. "If you do, I'll shoot you the very next time I see you depend upon that. You can go now."

"Our savages would sit on the blade of a knife, I do think," was George's observation. Now as George looked and admired blackee, it unfortunately happened that a mosquito flew into blackee's nostrils, which were much larger and more inviting to a gnat than ours. The aboriginal sneezed, and over went the ancestral boat. The next moment he was seen swimming and pushing his boat before him.

But for all that, blackee never said von leetle word to him. They were well watch while they wash togedder." "Then perhaps it is not all right, as you say. They may have the same suspicion that led him here. Why the deuce don't they go off home? I don't like their hanging about so long." "I tell you, Shames, it ish all right. We have only to get rid of the spy.

However, I could see that the fine jet was not altogether the approved style of beauty, and that many a very handsome woolly headed belle was destined to ornament the walls, until a few of the young white merchants made a dash amongst them, more for the fun of the thing, as it struck me, than any thing else, which piqued some of the brown officers, and for the rest of the evening blackee had it hollow.

The brawny sentinel squared himself, and poised his sword with military precision as he stood on his post, while his officer passed; but no sooner had the door closed, than, turning to the negro, he said, sharply, "Harkee, blackee, if you quit the house again without my knowledge, I shall turn barber, and shave off one of those ebony ears with this razor."

Blackee looked at him with a most whimsical expression; they sayno one can fathom a negro's affection for a pig. "Poor Purser! de people call him Purser, sir, because him knowing chap; him cabbage all de grub, slush, and stuff in him own corner, and give only de small bit, and de bad piece, to de older pig; so Captain" Splinter saw the poor fellow was like to get into a scrape.

"Now come with me, Blackee, and if you open your mouth, one of these pills shall go down your throat." Tom flourished his pistol before the negro, and led the way to the window by which he had entered the house. Passing out upon the veranda, he cautiously conducted the terrified servant to the road; and when they had gone a short distance, he halted.

"That is no rule, ye fool." "Well, sir, what do you think?" This question staggered Hawes for a moment. However he assumed an oracular look, and replied, "I think some of it is true and some isn't." "Do you think it is true about their knocking down blackee in one lot, and his wife in another, and sending 'em a thousand miles apart?" "Oh, that is true enough! I daresay."

She say she cannot makee till next week, because she very busy for little girls that losee their mamma, and must have blackee clothes to-morrow day." Mrs.