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"Isn't it getting near luncheon-time, auntie?" asked Eunice. "I'm dreadfully hungry." "Luncheon-time, dear child! It's only nine o'clock," said auntie, consulting her watch. "Don't get mixed up in the time as you did last summer, when you went blackberrying and came home at ten o'clock in the morning and thought it was six at night.

As to Reuben, he was unhurt himself, but in sore distress over my own trifling scar, though I assured the faithful lad that it was a less thing than many a tear from branch or thorn which we had had when blackberrying together. The fanatics, though driven back, were not men to be content with a single repulse.

You do it so gracefully. This is my man," he explained to some children who were blackberrying. "He is just carrying my bag over the cliffs for me. No, he is not very strong." "You wait," I growled. John laughed. "Fifty minutes more," he said. And then after a little silence, "I think the bag-carrying profession is overrated. What made you take it up, my lad? The drink? Ah, just so.

Not golden pavement and ivory palaces, but valleys and trees and flowers and the wide sweep of the open. Few things please him more than to go, for example, blackberrying, and he has a knack of never scratching his face or his fingers when doing so.

And mother was crying, and I cried because Tom used to give me tickey-backs and go blackberrying with me and our little Sally; and everybody else in the village they seemed glad, because they had said so all along, because Tom would never go to church, even when a little boy." "I suppose then you went to church regularly?" "Yessir. When I was at home, I mean." "Every Sunday?"

The two following days passed in the same manner, but on Thursday Charlotte went out with a party of girls, blackberrying, thinking she could make it up on Friday; but it was as much as she could do to earn the penny with Annie's assistance, and Saturday was a busy day, so her mother could not spare her, and Charlotte had but fourpence at the end of the week.

"Please, Tom, don't touch Sneed," she begged, crying harder than ever; and to still her sobs, he promised, though in his heart he vowed vengeance. "How did you happen to go blackberrying without me?" he asked to divert her attention from her anxiety over him. "I thought you wanted me to go with you."

In the afternoon I accompanied the young ladies to the fields blackberrying, and had some jolly laughs. They felt that a Confederate soldier should be treated like a king, that he must be worn out with marching and fighting.

I did think of him blackberrying with me and our little Sally but then he was so wicked! It must have been what missus said; and I was frightened because the vicar was coming to take me away away from you; and then oh, I don't know I felt I couldn't tell you I felt I must cry and cry, like that night when " She paused suddenly and looked away. "When " he said encouragingly.

Wasps fight hard for their existence as the nights grow cold. Desperate and ravenous, they will eat anything, but perish by hundreds as the warmth declines. Dragon-flies of the larger size are now very busy rushing to and fro on their double wings; those who go blackberrying or nutting cannot fail to see them.