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Unknown to all the world, save himself, John Gunter was at that time in a peculiarly unhappy state of mind. His condition was outwardly manifested in the form of additional surliness. "You're like a bear with a sore head," Spivin had said to him when in the boat on the way to the service. "More like a black-face baboon wid de cholera," said Zulu.

"They say," observed Fowler, the star man of The Patriot, "he covers his assignment in taxicabs." "He gets the news," murmured Mallory, summing up in that phrase all the encomiums which go to the perfect praise of the natural-born reporter. "And he writes it," put in Van Cleve of The Courier. "Lord, how that boy can write! Why, a Banneker two-sticks stands out as if it were printed in black-face."

None of the Indians were with him in the drift; he felt sure they were all behind him, which was likely enough, as Gahra, though sensitive to cold, was a man of exceptional bodily strength. It was beyond a doubt that all had perished. "I left Pachatupec with fifteen braves. I have lost my braves, my mules, and my baggage, and all I have to show are two men, a pale-face and a black-face.

Good things. Not that I'm ashamed of anything I ever told her. My only wrong was ignorance. And innocence. Innocence of the kind of lesson I was to learn from you." "Nothin' was ever righted by harping on it, Hattie." "But I want you to understand O God, make him understand she's such a sensitive little thing. And as things stand now glad I'm her mother. Yes, glad black-face and all!

"Like him! It was the greatest shock of my life. To the best of my knowledge he never knew any women except the widow of his partner in the importing house. He used to dine with her now and then, and I caught him once sending her flowers at Easter probably an annual stunt. She was about eighty and perfectly safe. He spent twenty years in the Tyringham, the dullest and most respectable hotel in the world, and his chief recreation was a leisurely walk in the park before going to bed. You could set your clock by him. Pretty thin picking for a dramatist, I should think. He used to take me to the theatre regularly every other Thursday it was a date and his favorite entertainment was vaudeville with black-face embellishment preferred. You should add that to Japanese pottery and potage

Why, many's the time I've gone home from the theater, too tired to take off my make-up until I got into my own rocker with my ankles soaking in warm water. They swell so terribly sometimes. Rheumatism, I guess. Well, many a time when I kissed her in her sleep she's opened her eyes on me black-face and all. Her arms up and around me. I was there underneath the black! She knows that!

For the Pepo-hoan governed their communities in the Chinese style and had a headman for each village. The missionary party sat down in front of the hut on some large flat stones and talked over the matter with the chief and other important men. And while they talked "Black-face" slipped away. He returned in a few moments with a breakfast of rice and fish for the visitors.

He has been the "cause of wit in others," and the bread-winner for many dozens of black-face songsters "singists" as he used to term them.

In a few seconds the canoe was backed and the straw-hat rescued from its perilous position. "It's an ill wind that blows nae guid, as the Scotch say," remarked Barney, rising in the canoe and reaching towards something among the overhanging branches. "Here's wan o' them trees that old black-face calls a maraja, with some splendid bunches o' fruit on it.

And while we were doing this Devore framed a triple-deck, black-face head. So we missed only one mail. The first page had a ragged, sloppy look, but anyway we were saved from being scooped to death on the most important story of the year.