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There were enormous numbers of other troops too: Siberians, Tartars, Asiatic Russians from Turkestan, Caucasians in their beautiful black-and-silver uniforms, Little Russians from the south, and great fair-haired giants from the north.

Marjie looked bravely up at my tall form. I knew she was thinking of him who had worn that coat. The only thing for O'mie was Marjie's big water proof cloak. The old-fashioned black-and-silver mix with the glistening black buttons, such as women wore much in those days. It had a hood effect, with a changeable red silk lining, fastened at the neck.

Sitting down again, she unearthed from her black-and-silver bag a fountain pen and half a sheet of paper. "Your letter did hurt badly. Perhaps I deserved it. All I can say till we meet, is forgive me, if you can, because of Lance. It's rather odd though you are my lover, and I suppose you do care still I can think of no stronger appeal than that. He cared so for us both, in his big splendid way.

I climbed up through narrow, cobblestoned streets to the higher part of the town. It was pleasant up here in the frosty morning old houses, archways, and courts, and the bells tolling people to church. Up the long hill, as I went down, came three hearses in black and silver, after the French fashion, with drivers in black coats and black-and-silver cocked hats.

He enjoyed the hours when he buckled on gill-pack and took to the sea with those two ten-foot, black-and-silver escorts sharing the action. But Karara ... Karara's presence was a different matter altogether. The Agents' teams had always been strictly masculine.

I am thinking particularly of those surprising phenomena left over from pre-historic eras; the "big" trees the sequoia gigantea, which really belong to the early fairy-tales of H. G. Wells, and to those other trees, not so big but still giants the sequoia sempivirens or redwoods, which make of California forests black-and-silver compositions of filmy fluttering light and solid bedded shade.

On the one side the gay young spark, with his short cloak, his fine suit; of black-and-silver, his trim limbs and jewelled hilt and chased comfit-box; on the other, the tall, stooping monk, lean-jawed and bright-eyed, whose gown hung about him in coarse, ungainly folds. And M. Francois' sentiment on first seeing the other was certainly dislike.

As it gave way, the moonlight poured into the breaches that the wind made; the vast black-and-silver spectacle, the Falls, the gorge, the town opposite, the bridge, the clouds, began to appear in fragments, grandiose and fantastical. Daphne, presently, seeing that Boyson was slow to speak, raised her eyebrows and attempted a remark on the scene. Boyson interrupted her hurriedly. "I imagine, Mrs.

Topham’s arm went about the shoulders under the black-and-silver jacket, drawing Don Cazar into the light, music, and excitement of the cantina. While Drew watched, the stouter back of Bartolomé cut off his first good look at his father. So ... that was Don CazarHunt Rennie! Drew did not know what he had expected of their first meeting. Now he could not understand why he felt so chilled and lost.