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At last, one by one, counted like sheep, we passed the doors, and were taken to a large open space in front of the King's house. As soon as they had greeted Bitwaddad Tadla they retired a few yards, and consulted with him and Samuel. After a few minutes, Samuel told us to come on; and, accompanied by the chiefs, escorted by their followers, we were taken to a house near the Imperial fence.

The old lady, with the wife and child, retired to a quiet corner for a friendly chat, and when no more noticed, quietly walked away. At about ten at night, accompanied by one of his men, and assisted by some friends, Hailo made his escape and rejoined his family. Another member of council was called Bitwaddad Wassie: he also was in charge of the prison alternatively with Hailo.

At the same time he sent two of his high officers, Bitwaddad Hassanie and Ras Bissawur, to us with the following message: "Go at once to your people: you will send for your property to-morrow." We did not like that message at all. The two chiefs were sullen and downcast, and Samuel was so excited that he would give us no explanation of this sudden decision.

The Ras was put on "half-pay," and a new commandant, Bitwaddad Hassanie, sent to take over the charge, while the garrison was reinforced by some 400 musketeers.

At dawn on the 12th we continued our descent, crossed the Bechelo, and ascended to the opposite plateau of Watat, where we arrived at eleven A.M. There we made a slight halt and partook of a frugal breakfast, sent by the chief of Magdala to Bitwaddad Tadla, who kindly shared it with us.

Dedjazmatch Goji, in command of 500 spearmen, a tall old man, was as big a fool as he was bulky; he loved but one thing, tej, and worshipped but one being, Theodore. Bitwaddad Bakal, a good soldier, a simple-minded man, in charge of the Imperial household, and a few insignificant old men, completed the quorum. Let us suppose a wet day during the rainy season of 1867.

The distance from Watat to Magdala is generally accomplished in five hours, but we were nearly seven, as we had to make frequent halts, and messengers came to and fro from the Amba. Many of the chiefs of the mountain came out to meet Bitwaddad Tadla. At Islamgee another long halt was made, I suppose while our lettre de cachet was examined by the chiefs in council.

Several of the officers of the Imperial household, to whom we had shown some kindness, came to bid us good-by, all looking very sad one with tears in his eyes. Though no one informed us of our destination, we all surmised that Magdala and chains were our lot. Bitwaddad Tadla, with the men under his command, now took charge of us.

Bitwaddad Damash, the friend and countryman of Theodore, the brave warrior, was intrusted with the command; under him were, placed Bitwaddad Hailo, Bitwaddad Wassie, and Dedjazmatch Goji, all of them "old friends of ours," and of whom I have given a short description.

Rassam. Damash had command of half the gunmen, some 270, the Ras of the rest, about 200. The third member of council was Bitwaddad Hailo, the best of the lot; he was in charge of the gaol, but was never known to abuse his position.