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The equipment of the camp at Sidi Bishr not having been entirely completed before our visit we found some of the buildings still in course of erection. But the officers' quarters were ready, and lacked nothing except some furniture, which was daily expected. All the interior walls are lime-washed.

The camp at Ras-el-Tin was to be evacuated in a few days' time, and all the occupants were to be transferred to Sidi Bishr Camp, now prepared to accommodate 5,000 men. In this camp there will be a special section for civilians. The commandant of Ras-el-Tin is Major F.G. Owens, who takes the greatest interest in his prisoners.

At present 36 officers and 34 orderlies are in quarantine. Illnesses and Deaths-All officers imprisoned at Sidi Bishr having been vaccinated against smallpox, typhoid, and cholera, there are no epidemics in the camp. Three to five officers come forward each morning when the doctor makes his rounds.

And quoth they, "He is in a plight past telling, and hath shut his door and keepeth the house." Ikrimah rejoined, "This cometh but of his excessive generosity: but how is it that Khuzaymah bin Bishr findeth nor comforter nor requiter?" And they replied, "He hath found naught of this."

New Year saw us resting and refitting at Sidi Bishr bathing in the Mediterranean and sightseeing in Alexandria. After a few days we moved to Mena Camp, under the shadow of the Pyramids, and at the end of the tram line to Cairo.

The health of the inmates of Sidi Bishr Camp is looked after by an English doctor, Captain Gillespie, assisted by an Armenian doctor, who practised at Aleppo in Turkey before the war. These two doctors speak Arabic and Turkish. An English corporal and 5 English hospital orderlies take care of the sick.

When it was the Eighty-second Night, She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Wazir Dandan continued to bespeak Zau al-Makan on this wise, "And quoth the maiden to thy father, 'Bishr Barefoot's sister once went to Ahmad bin Hanbal and said to him, 'O Imam of the Faith, we are a family that spin thread by night and work for our living by day; and oftentimes the cressets of the watch of Baghdad pass by and we on the roof spinning by their light.

We left on Boxing Day and got to Alexandria on the 28th, where we at once disembarked and went to camp at Sidi Bishr.

"O household of Bishr," rejoined the Imam, "I shall never cease to quafl full draughts of piety and continence from your hearts." Quoth one of the learned, "When God wills well to any man, he opens upon him the gate of action." On the morrow, as we went our way, we fell in with a funeral train, followed by an old woman, whose strength had left her.

The orderly, Abrahim Hassan, told us of his own accord that the sick receive the most assiduous attention, and have nothing but praise for the resident physician. Religion and Amusements. The prisoners offer their prayers daily. A mosque will be built for them in the new camp at Sidi Bishr. Catholics are looked after by several Austrian priests, who used to manage Catholic schools in Upper Egypt.