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Inman, whose etymological researches have given him considerable prominence as a Sanskrit and Hebrew scholar, says that Ra, Ilos, Helos, Bil, Baal, Al, Allah, and Elohim were names given to the sun as representative of the Creator. We are assured by Godfrey Higgins that Brahme is the sun the same as Surya. Brahma sprang from the navel of Brahme.

The grouping of the principal Chalda an deities is as follows. At the head of the Pantheon stands a god, Il or Ra, of whom but little is known. Next to him is a Triad, Ana, Bil or Belus, and Hea or Hoa, who correspond closely to the classical Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune.

The old man pondered a moment, then fell to stroking his beard. The act was friendly, and of good portent. Thou dost know our law, even though thou be from Feringistan. What is thy name?" "Men know me only as The Master. And thine?" "Dost thou wish us well?" the Master put a leading question. "Kull'am antum bil khair!" The Master sensed a huge relief.

Rhys and Brynmor-Jones, The Welsh People. The early Celtic mythologies and folk-records are full of these survivals. Goddesses are frequent as primeval tribal-mothers. Let me give one instance. She was the tribal-mother of the Bringantes. Similarly Vote was tribal-mother of the Burgundians; and the goddess Bil of the Billings, and there are numerous other cases.

To Dhrinkin A blind piper everry day wan and in Pens six dais 0 16 6 To atein four Tin Illikthurs And Thare 1 8 8 horses on Chewsdai 0 14 0 Toe til 2 19 4 Lan lord Bil For All Be four 7 17 8-1/2 10 18 12-1/2 "Then I owe you money, instead of your having a balance in hand, Andy," said the member. "Oh, no matter, your honour; it's not for that I showed you the account."

"Oh, yes; she is talking of one, but it will be all swells and croquet, and deadly dull." "I thought you seemed to be getting on well with the swells, if you mean the Merrifields, especially Wilfred, if that is his name." "Bil Bil! Oh, he is all very well," said Vera, "if he would not be always so silly and come after me! As if I cared!"

I tell ell you, Bil lilly Bradly, that you'll never die on your bed for that night's wo ork." "And even if I don't, Ned, you won't have my account to answer for." "An' mighty glad I am of it: my own own's bad enough, God knows, an' for the mat matther o' that here's God pardon us all, barrin' that ould cardin' sinner amin, acheerna villish, this night! Boys, I'll sing-yes a song."

"Incompatibility," she gave out, and before the sound of her voice died away the Princess was spelling: "I-n, in, c-o-m, com, in com, p-a-t, pat, incompat, i, incompati, b-i-l, bil, incompatibil, i, incompatibili, t-y, ty, incompatibility."

He seems to have had none at either Nineveh or Calah, and none of any importance in all Assyria, except that at Asshur. There is, however, reason, to believe that he was occasionally honored with a shrine in a temple dedicated to another deity. BIL, or BEL.

There is no evidence of his having had any temple in Chaldaea during the early times. A belief in his existence is implied rather than expressed in inscriptions of the primitive kings, where the Moon-god is said to be "brother's son of Ana, and eldest son of Bil, or Belus."