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But Monsieur Latour has served his apprenticeship at the galleys, and is no more a Pole than I am a Jew." "And this lady's fortune!" cried Monsieur Goupitle, pathetically; "the settlements are all made the notaries all paid. I am sure there must be some mistake." Monsieur Bihl, who had by this time restored his lost Helen to her senses, stalked up to the epicier, dragging the lady along with him.

"Say it again, sir," said Monsieur Goupille, by no means daunted; "and why should not I say it again? That lady is my wife!" "You lie! she is mine!" cried the German; and bending down, he caught the fair Adele from the Pole with as little ceremony as if she had never had a great-grandfather a marquis, and giving her a shake that might have roused the dead, thundered out, "Speak! Madame Bihl!

"Sir, there is no mistake! But, when I have got the money, if you like to have the lady you are welcome to her." "Monstre!" again muttered the fair Adele. "The long and the short of it," said Monsieur Favart, "is that Monsieur Bihl is a brave garcon, and has been half over the world as a courier." "A courier!" exclaimed several voices. "Madame was nursery-governess to an English milord.

"Say it again, sir," said Monsieur Goupille, by no means daunted; "and why should not I say it again? That lady is my wife!" "You lie! she is mine!" cried the German; and bending down, he caught the fair Adele from the Pole with as little ceremony as if she had never had a great-grandfather a marquis, and giving her a shake that might have roused the dead, thundered out, "Speak! Madame Bihl!

But Monsieur Latour has served his apprenticeship at the galleys, and is no more a Pole than I am a Jew." "And this lady's fortune!" cried Monsieur Goupitle, pathetically; "the settlements are all made the notaries all paid. I am sure there must be some mistake." Monsieur Bihl, who had by this time restored his lost Helen to her senses, stalked up to the epicier, dragging the lady along with him.

Are you my wife or not?" "Monstre!" murmured Adele, opening her eyes. "There you hear she owns me!" said the German, appealing to the company with a triumphant air. "C'est vrai!" said the soft voice of the policeman. And now, pray don't let us disturb your amusements any longer. We have a fiacre at the door. Remove your lady, Monsieur Bihl." "Monsieur Lofe!

They married, and quarrelled no harm in that, mes amis; nothing more common. Monsieur Bihl is a very faithful fellow; nursed his last master in an illness that ended fatally, because he travelled with his doctor. Milord left him a handsome legacy he retired from service, and fell ill, perhaps from idleness or beer. Is not that the story, Monsieur Bihl?"

Are you my wife or not?" "Monstre!" murmured Adele, opening her eyes. "There you hear she owns me!" said the German, appealing to the company with a triumphant air. "C'est vrai!" said the soft voice of the policeman. "And now, pray don't let us disturb your amusements any longer. We have a fiacre at the door. Remove your lady, Monsieur Bihl." "Monsieur Lofe!

"Sir, there is no mistake! But, when I have got the money, if you like to have the lady you are welcome to her." "Monstre!" again muttered the fair Adele. "The long and the short of it," said Monsieur Favart, "is that Monsieur Bihl is a brave garcon, and has been half over the world as a courier." "A courier!" exclaimed several voices. "Madame was nursery-governess to an English milord.

They married, and quarrelled no harm in that, mes amis; nothing more common. Monsieur Bihl is a very faithful fellow; nursed his last master in an illness that ended fatally, because he travelled with his doctor. Milord left him a handsome legacy he retired from service, and fell ill, perhaps from idleness or beer. Is not that the story, Monsieur Bihl?"