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"Why?" asked Hamlin, with affected carelessness. "She was just makin' de kernel like any o' de low-down No'th'n folks keerful, and stingy, and mighty 'fraid o' de opinions o' de biggety people. And fo' what? Jess to strut round wid dat child like he was her 'spectable go to meeting fader!" "And was the child sorry to leave him?" asked Hamlin. "Wull no, sah.

They threaded their way to the cantina where the officer dismounted and went inside. The troopers continued to sit their saddles and regard the scene about them wistfully. "Looks like a duty patrol," Fenner remarked. "Maybe Cap’n Bayliss. He’s gittin’ some biggety idear as how it’s up t’ him t’ police this here town. Does he start t’ crow too loud, Don Cazar or Reese Topham’ll cut his spurs.

"'T ain't no use to be a-humo'in' dat boy too much, Be'y," Fannie had replied, although she did fully as much "humo'in'" as her husband; "hit sho' do mek' him biggety, an' a biggety po' niggah is a 'bomination befo' de face of de Lawd; but I know 't ain't no use a-talkin' to you, fu' you plum boun' up in dat Joe." Her own eyes would follow the boy lovingly and proudly even as she chided.

He looked straight at Yankie. "Don't get biggety, Joe. I'm not askin' you or any other man whether I can ride to rescue a friend when he's in trouble. You don't own these broncs, an' if you did we'd take 'em just the same." The voice of Wrayburn was still gentle, but it no longer pleaded for understanding. The words were clean-cut and crisp. "I'll show you!" flung back the foreman with an oath.

If you all wanted anybody to stuff the ballot box or swear to false returns, I have been your man. I've put out of the way every biggety nigger that you sent me after. You know all this." "You've been paid for it, too. Ain't you been to the legislature? Ain't you been constable?

But a lot o’ them officers nowthey come out here wi’ biggety idears ’bout how t’ handle Injuns, thinkin’ they knows all thar’s t’ be knowed ’bout fightin’an’ them never facin’ up to a Comanche in war paint, let alone huntin’ ’Paches. ’Paches, they know this here country like it was part o’ their own bodiescan say ’Howdy-an’-how’s-all-th’-folks, bub?’ t’ every lizard an’ snake in th’ rocks.