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We're afraid, sir, that good Dunhaven men may be in great danger of going to the bottom, and leaving behind families that " The spokesman stopped, a little choke in his voice. As though in answer sobs came from some of the women. "Now, now, friends, if that's the trouble, we'll soon know about it," promised the shipbuilder, one of the biggest-hearted men living.

One of the biggest-hearted, most amiable and generous of men, ha was known as the coolest and most utterly fearless in a country where few men were cowards. At nightfall, the mare well fed and groomed and lightly saddled, Scot mounted, bearing no arms but his two pistols, called a careless "Hasta luego, amigos" to his friends, and trotted off up the road.

Judge Whipple told you to run till you found me, did he, Mr. Brice?" "Yes, sir." "Is the Judge the same old criss-cross, contrary, violent fool that he always was?" Providence put an answer in Stephen's mouth. "He's been very good to me, Mr. Lincoln." Mr. Lincoln broke into laughter. "Why, he's the biggest-hearted man I know. You know him, Oglesby, Silas Whipple.

No more speculating for him, he says. He talks of Mr. Jadwin continually. You never saw or heard of such devotion. He says that Mr. Jadwin is a genius, the greatest financier in the country, and that he knows he could have won if they all hadn't turned against him that day. He never gets tired telling me that Mr. Jadwin has been a father to him the kindest, biggest-hearted man he ever knew "

"Judge Whipple told you to run till you found me, did he, Mr. Brice?" "Yes, sir." "Is the Judge the same old criss-cross, contrary, violent fool that he always was?" Providence put an answer in Stephen's mouth. "He's been very good to me, Mr. Lincoln." Mr. Lincoln broke into laughter. "Why, he's the biggest-hearted man I know. You know him, Oglesby, Silas Whipple.

"When a man's trying to do his best and keep sober, there's them what would come right in his house and ask him to drink. A man may be meanin' well, and tryin' to do what's right, but when the drink's in his blood, and there's them what's coaxin' him to it, it hain't much wonder that he gives up. Sam, he's one of the biggest-hearted men, and a good miner, but he's no man for standin' his ground.

"I would like to see it done," said North, with slow emphasis. "Nothing has ever more roused my resentment. I suppose it's partly the loss of the parish-house, but, aside from that, it makes me rage to think of splendid old James Litterny, the biggest-hearted man I know, being done in that way. Why, he'd have helped the scoundrel in a minute if he'd gone to him instead of stealing from him.

Both men are determined, and there happens the only thing that can happen under such circumstances; they separate. Paul chooses Silas as his companion, while Barnabas takes Mark with him. Barnabas was one of the biggest-hearted fellows you ever saw. His very name means, "Son of Consolation." He couldn't bear to see a fellow denied the chance to make good.

"Oh! the darling, won't we remember him in our prayers, boys, and hope he gets good and strong over at that cure in Europe? There will be never a meal but that our thanks will ascend for this good deed of Cousin Archie. He belongs to all of us; this club adopts him as its one honorary member; and I hereby propose three cheers for the biggest-hearted chap going. Hip, hip, hurray!"

I don't want you to think that he's good in a goody-goody way, because he's not. Laura," she exclaimed, "he's a fine man. I didn't intend to brag him up to you, because I wanted you to like him. But no one knows as I say no one knows Curtis Jadwin better than Charlie and I, and we just love him. The kindliest, biggest-hearted fellow oh, well, you'll know him for yourself, and then you'll see.