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Go on; but let not the license of the scholar overtop the modesty of the Christian." "More again, as I said, when, incolae, inhabitants of Devon; but, most of all, men of Bideford school. Oh renowned school! Oh schoolboys ennobled by fellowship with him!

Took it into Bideford after dinner to-day. Got thirteen and sevenpence. Here's the ticket." "Well, that's pretty average cool," said Abanazar behind a slab of cream and jam, as Beetle, reassured upon the safety of his Sunday trousers, showed not even surprise, much less resentment. Indeed, it was McTurk who grew angry, saying: "You gave him the ticket, Stalky? You pawned it? You unmitigated beast!

The bold lads shall fight first, with good quarterstaves, in Bideford Market, till all heads are broken; and the head which is not broken, let the back belonging to it pay the penalty of the noble member's cowardice. After which grand tournament, to which that of Tottenham shall be but a flea-bite and a batrachomyomachy "

"What's the use?" "Moral effect," quoth McTurk. "Leave an imperishable tradition, and all the rest of it." "Better go into Bideford an' pay up our debts," said Stalky. "I've got three quid out of my father ad hoc. Don't owe more than thirty bob, either. Cut along, Beetle, and ask the Head for leave. Say you want to correct the 'Swillingford Patriot." "Well, I do," said Beetle.

Leigh, grown grey and feeble in step, is pacing up and down the terrace walk at Burrough. A flash is seen in the fast darkening twilight, and then comes the thunder of a gun at sea. Twenty minutes later, and a ship has turned up the Bideford river, and a cheer goes up from her crew.

I have poured cold water upon the night train to Bideford, and came near pouring some hot tears on the timetable she kindly brought me. People are going up to dress for dinner. They are God's creatures, but I do not love them. The head-waiter has just fluttered up to ask if I would like a smaller table for dinner. No table would be too small for my appetite. I said

That has happened at Bideford which " "Spare us both, Frank; I know all. I came through Bideford on my way hither; and came hither not merely to see you and my mother, but to ask your advice and her permission." "True heart! noble heart!" cried Frank. "I knew you would be stanch!" "Westward-ho it is, then?" "Can we escape?" "We?" "Amyas, does not that which binds you bind me?"

From Bideford also sailed many an exploring expedition; while its gallant mariners were well-known on the Spanish main, where they filled their pockets with doubloons, won at the point of their swords from the haughty Dons. A new school has lately been established in this neighbourhood for the sons of naval and military officers; and Dick and I agreed that we should like to go there.

I suppose they drowned their sorrows in it while working in the tin mines one always associates with them. We go to Tintagel to-morrow, and do some other Cornish things, I don't know what. But write to me at Bideford, as we shall be back in Devonshire in a few days on our way I fancy toward Wales. I long to hear what you or Lady Mac may have up your sleeves about the dear Ellaline's papa.

However, he was bound in all courtesy to turn his attention now to the show which had been prepared in his honor, and which was really well enough worth seeing and hearing. The English were, in those days, an altogether dramatic people; ready and able, as in Bideford that day, to extemporize a pageant, a masque, or any effort of the Thespian art short of the regular drama.