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"We've been having very bright weather this month for us." She blew the flake of soot into the air, seeming relieved. He looked up at the dingy sky, wherein hung the disconsolate sun like a cold tin pan nailed up in a smoke-house by some lunatic, for a decoration. "Yes," said Bibbs. "It's very gay." A few moments later, as they passed a corner, "Aren't we going home?" he asked. "Why, yes!

He was flourishing the bandaged hand as he spoke, but Bibbs said only, "If I've always been wrong before, surely there's more chance that I'm right about this. It seems reasonable to suppose something would be due to bring up my average." "Yes, I thought you wouldn't see the point. And there's another you probably couldn't see, but I'll take the liberty to mention it.

He would be the more truly his son henceforth, though, as Sheridan said, Bibbs had not come down-town with him meanly or half-heartedly. He had given his word because he had wanted the money, simply, for Mary Vertrees in her need.

Most of 'em were here long before papa came, and the grandfathers of the girls of my age knew each other, and " "I see," Bibbs interrupted, gravely. "Their ancestors fled together from many a stricken field, and Crusaders' blood flows in their veins.

I don't want to see the family just made use of and twisted around her finger by somebody that's got no more heart than so much ice, and just as sure to bring troubles in the long run as as Edith's mistake is. Well, then, this is the way it is. I'll just tell you how it looks to me and see if it don't strike you the same way." Within the room, Bibbs, much annoyed, tapped his ear with his pencil.

Bibbs contented himself with a non-committal gesture. "Business is crawling up the old streets," he said, his long, tremulous hand indicating a vasty structure in course of erection. "The boarding-houses come first and then the " "That isn't for shops," she informed him. "That's a new investment of papa's the 'Sheridan Apartments." "Well, well," he murmured.

"What about?" "Why, ole Doc Gurney was up at the office this morning awhile " "To look at your hand? How's he say it's doin'?" "Fine! Well, he went in and sat around with Bibbs awhile " Mrs. Sheridan nodded pessimistically. "I guess it's time you had him, too. I KNEW Bibbs " "Now, mamma, hold your horses! I wanted him to look Bibbs over BEFORE anything's the matter.

The world must be on the other side of the wall, and the wall must be so thick and so high that he cannot hear the roaring of the furnace fires and the screaming of the whistles. Peace Having read so far as the word "peace," Bibbs suffered an interruption interesting as a coincidence of contrast.

"You may not know it, but I used to worry a good deal about the youngest o' my boys the one that used to come to see you sometimes, after Jim that is, I mean Bibbs. He's the one I spoke of as my partner; and the truth is that's what it's just about goin' to amount to, one o' these days if his health holds out.

Well, you remember, I expect, I had him on a machine over at a plant o' mine; and sometimes I'd kind o' sneak in there and see how he was gettin' along. Take a doctor with me sometimes, because Bibbs never WAS so robust, you might say. Ole Doc Gurney I guess maybe you know him? Tall, thin man; acts sleepy " "Yes."