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It does not matter what work falls to each of us, so that it is well done; and we can never do it unless we keep together." "No fear, Hamish, bhodach, we'll keep together," said Shenac heartily. "I do hope to-morrow may be fine." But to-morrow was not fine; it was quite the contrary.

She had never moved through the coming in of them all; she did not move now, but spoke his name. "Hamish, bhodach!" Did he see her? "How bright it is in the west! It will be a fair day for the harvest to-morrow."

"I am not educated," she murmured. "I have never been anywhere but at home. I can only do common work. I am not fit." "Hamish thought you fit," said Mr Stewart softly. "Ah, yes; Hamish, bhodach!" Her voice fell with such a loving cadence. All the pain and embarrassment passed out of her face, giving place to a soft and tender light, as she turned towards him.

Kneeling down beside him, she laid her head upon his breast, and just this once the first time and the last in his presence gave way to her grief. "O Hamish! Hamish, bhodach! Must it be? Must it be?" He did not speak. She did not move till she felt tears that were not her own falling on her face.

It was June by this time; and when he had bidden all the rest goodbye, Mr Stewart lingered still with Hamish at the gate. Hamish had said something about meeting again, and the master answered, "Yes, surely we shall meet again if not here, yonder;" and he pointed upward. "We shall be true friends there, Hamish, bhodach; be sure of that."

Never fear, you will find your true work in time." "Bhodach" is "old man" in the language in which these children were speaking. But on Shenac's lips it meant every sweet and tender name; and, listening to her, Hamish forgot his troubles, or looked beyond them, and his spirit grew bright and trustful again peaceful for that night at least.

If I were strong if I were like the rest I would like nothing so well as to labour always for my mother and you all; but I can do little." "Yes, I know," said Shenac; "but Dan can do that, and so can I But your work will be different far higher and nobler than ours. Only you must not be impatient because you are hindered a little just now. Hamish, bhodach, what is a year out of a whole lifetime?

"Mind you are not to stay away, Hamish, bhodach," whispered Shenac, as they turned towards the house; and Hamish, who had been thinking of it, considered himself in honour bound to return after he had gone to see that all was right at home. It was not so very bad, after all.