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And the forces under their command have shown already that they can deal effectively with peoples utterly inaccessible to the ordinary Europeans. The Bheels, when we first went amongst them, were all armed with bows and arrows, living entirely by the chase, and so terrified at any sign of officialism that our Officers had to avoid taking a scrap of paper with them when visiting their districts.

At first Chinamen were employed, but they have been dispensed with, and the entire work is now done by hill people under English superintendence. The hill people of Central and Southern India, the Kols, the Santhals, the Bheels, and others, as is well known, widely differ in race, language, customs, and religion, from the Hindus and Mussulmans of the plains.

In the little kingdom of Oude, which was about half as big as Ireland and about as big as the State of Maine, they had two hundred and seventy-four 'bheels'. They were scattered along fourteen hundred miles of road, at an average of only five miles apart, and the British government traced out and located each and every one of them and set them down on the map.

I fainted away, and when I recovered, I found myself quite alone; my daughter had disappeared, and the child, as I suppose, was carried off by the Bheels, who shot the beast.

"After some days I came to a small temple of Durgâ, where a party of Bheels were about to make the child an offering to the goddess, in the hope of obtaining success through her favour; and they were then deliberating in what manner they should kill him, whether by hanging him on the branch of a tree and cutting him to pieces with swords, or by partly burying him in the ground and shooting at him with arrows, or by worrying him with young dogs.

"You might assert," he said, "that your father had taken service with some rajah on the plain, and that you had there learned to speak the language. In this way, you would avoid having to answer any difficult questions regarding your native place; but as to that, you can get up something of the geography before you leave." "There are several Bheels among our Sepoys," Charlie said.

On the march, he was attacked and plundered by Bheels; and I, having charge of one of his children, was separated from the party, and left behind in the forest. "There I was attacked, by a tiger, and dropped the child. The tiger was killed by an arrow; but I fainted away, and when I recovered, the child was gone, taken away, I suppose, by the Bheels.

The Bheels, which were said to be "a race of unmitigated savages, without any sense of natural religion." and "which have preserved their rude habits and manners to the present day," are "yet imbued with a sense of truth and honor strangely at contrast with their external character." Bishop Heber says that "their word is more to be depended on than that of their conquerors."

Avantisundari, daughter of Mânasâra, wife of Râjavâhana. Balabhadra, a merchant, husband of Ratnavati. Bâlachandrika, wife of Pushpodbhava, and friend of Avantisundari. Bandhupâla, a merchant, father of Bâlachandrika. Betel and pawn, a mixture for chewing, frequently offered in politeness, as snuff with us. Bheels, savages, wild tribes, robbers. Bhimadhanwa, brother of Kandukavati.

In the little kingdom of Oude, which was about half as big as Ireland and about as big as the State of Maine, they had two hundred and seventy-four 'bheels'. They were scattered along fourteen hundred miles of road, at an average of only five miles apart, and the British government traced out and located each and every one of them and set them down on the map.